Newly buffed Trinity Force made Ezreal one of the best bot laners in the game again. His two-item power spike of Triforce and Muramana is very hard to match by any other ADC, and he has a lot more agency during mid game. You can also still go the Essence Reaver and Navori build if...
At number four we have the support role. Well this role is fairly decent and you can climb with it once you’re diamond or masters but anything below that do not play it. Not only do you heavily depend on your ADC and their performance but you also heavily depend on your whole buttcl...
From his early days playing Neopets and Nintendo 64 to his rise to fame as one of the best mid-laners in North America he is a true inspiration to gamers everywhere. Park's journey is a testament to the power of hard work and dedication. He has battled through difficult seasons and rele...
Not only does she shred through people and their puny HP with her true damage but she can quickly become the thing she is meant to destroy a tank. Also, you can combine “Guardian’s Angel” on her for extra armor and a free chance at another life once you do die on her. But don...
were disappointed with last season's rank, you want to climb higher than ever before, or if you're completely new to the game, the ranked grind is on. So if you want to beef up your champion pool to make sure you're ready, here are our best picks to help you climb with each ...
dynamic and crowd control-heavy junglers, scaling mages or assassins in the mid lane, and dynamic duos in the bot lane, it’s easy to get lost. But don’t worry, we picked a few champs who are the best for each position in the game so that you know how to climb the solo queue ...
But Caps did not meet the standard set for him against the two mid laners from LPL teams he played against; the rest of his team did. In the turn around Game Two against EDward Gaming, Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen three-buffed the LPL team’s aggressive jungler Chen “Haro” Wen-lin ...
With a 52.11% win-rate and very few bad match-ups, Galio is certainly worth picking up. His disruption in team fights is extremely tough to deal with and he counters a lot of the strongest midlaners in the meta at the moment.
access are quite popular among junglers and mid laners this patch and what better ADC to play than Xayah. Xayah can easily ult her way out of a burst from assassins and bruisers with back line access. She deals tons of damage and is almost untouchable when picked together with her lover ...
On a serious note, since Riot Games implemented two ranked seasons in one year, there isn’t a lot of time to mess around trying things. You need to be playing the strongest jungle champions to climb with, in order to get those sweet rewards. Well, you’ve come to the right place!