This provocative and daring Mexican film, directed by Alfonso Cuarón, tells the story of two teenage friends who embark on a road trip with an older woman, as they explore the complexities of love, desire, and friendship. The movie's raw performances, candid storytelling, and vivid cinematogra...
We Are the Flesh (aka Tenemos la carne) is a 2016 Mexican-French horror film directed by Emiliano Rocha Minter. An unknown apocalypse has devastated the globe, forcing two siblings to forage for food and shelter in a hostile environment. Released: 2016 Directed by: Emiliano Rocha Minter 72 ...
Pati's Mexican Table (2011) Claudia Sandoval Self 4 Taste of the Border (2022) Jeremy McBryde Self 4 Always Believe Danny Boome Self 3 Good Food America (2012) Zarela Martinez Self / Owner, Zarela / Self - Chef 3 Moronga (2018) Sandra Lee Self 3 Semi-Homemade...
Alex must now protect the little creature from the government scientists who would do it harm, while getting in touch with his Mexican heritage along the way. Chupa is a lovely, warm family flick that will melt the hardest of hearts. How to watch: Chupa is now streaming on Netflix....
For something less expensive than other Todos Santos restaurants, La Morena has a charming outdoor patio and serves up fresh Mexican food (like fish tacos and chicken mole).Ristorante Tre GallineIf you’re in the mood for “elevated” Italian food, try Ristorante Tre Galline. All the pasta...
Questions like, why does the boarding house that Mexican immigrant Ambar (Cristina Rodlo) arrives at have so many locked doors? And what are the noises she keeps hearing at night, and the nightmares about a strange stone box that she keeps seeing when her eyes are closed? You’ll have a...
I love how the film, a western, avoids the stereotypes always included in that genre. No good guys are wearing white or bad guys wearing black, no shoot ’em ups at local saloons, and no cowboys to save the day. Dances with Wolves provides a character study with pivotal thoughts and ...
Keeping Your Body Healthy With Mexican Food Posted on September 26, 2021 by Tracie Lawson Mexican Food is healthy and easy to make. It is so popular that there are Mexican restaurants almost everywhere in the United States. Taco Bell is not included in this list. Even though the Mexican ...
In 1901, in the town of Kenedy, Texas, a Mexican husband and father named Gregorio Cortez (Edward James Olmos) shot a lawman in self-defense. After taking his wounded brother to a neighbor’s house, he fled the scene; a posse of Texas rangers chased him for two weeks before capturing ...
Mexican Restaurant· 23 tips and reviews Deanna Evans: This place is amazing. Two words: flautas nortenas! One more word: margaritas! Monty Bishop: Best margaritas in KCMO. Food is great. Zeenat Hasan: Stop for Taco Tuesdays- $1 beef tacos!! And definitely get the queso! 12. El Maguey...