Also ranks #6 on The Most Dangerous Romance Movies, Ranked 39 Savages Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Taylor-Johnson 83 votes Oliver Stone's gritty crime thriller follows two pot growers who must rescue their shared girlfriend from a Mexican drug cartel that has abducted her. As they u...
This tension-filled crime thriller centers around two marijuana-growing entrepreneurs who become embroiled in a deadly battle with a merciless Mexican drug cartel. As their lives spiral out of control, they must confront their own inner demons and navigate a world where survival is king. A brutal...
Feeling neglected by their government, the men decide to get in on a heist to steal $75 million from a drug cartel in a South American jungle. But as greed sets in and tensions rise, things start going off the rails. SEE ALSO: Everyone is thirsty for Pedro Pascal. Has the internet ...
Idealistic FBI agent Kate Macer joins a shady task force chasing Mexican drug lord Manuel Díaz. She quickly realizes this mission’s got some seriously sketchy tactics, thanks to the vengeance-driven hitman Alejandro Gillick. Although conflicted, Kate presses on into the underworld of the cartel ...
Attorney Joanne Keeghan (Susan Sarandon) to go undercover and inform on a drug operation in exchange for a reduced sentence for Jason. The undercover operation goes haywire when John gets involved with the Mexican cartel, forcing him to risk his life to complete the mission. With a modest ...
Jason Bateman and Laura Linney are excellent in this original drama about a white-collar family that slowly gets sucked into a life of guns, gangsters and people being electrocuted in boats, having decided to go from straight-laced accountants to money launderers for the Mexican cartel. As you...
This Netflix crime drama features a money-laundering family from Chicago in the Missouri Ozarks working for a Mexican drug cartel. The Emmy-winning series stars Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, and Sofia Hublitz. ACNN reviewerwrote that the show mixed "criminal ruthlessness with a family dynamic bui...
RELATED:Dwayne 'The Rock’ Johnson's 10 Best Movies (So Far), According To IMDb The movie is another look at the Mexican and American drug trade and certainly isn't short on action scenes, given that Dwayne johnson plays the role of the father, while also having several slower scenes for...
along withsex-crazed ‘erotic thrillers’and the ever-nebulous‘psychological thriller’ subdivision. But no matter how they go about it, the best thrillers will always grab your attention, make you sweat and leave you breathless. Here are the 100 greatest thriller movies ever, ranked by our Ti...
along withsex-crazed ‘erotic thrillers’and the ever-nebulous‘psychological thriller’ subdivision. But no matter how they go about it, the best thrillers will always grab your attention, make you sweat and leave you breathless. Here are the 100 greatest thriller movies ever, ranked by our Ti...