Based on the concept album of the same name by Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish, Imaginaerum is a visually stunning and musically rich exploration of the power of memory, imagination, and love. Directed by Stobe Harju, the film follows an aging composer who embarks on a fantastical journe...
These films, such as Metal Lords, The Fallout, and Kids vs. Aliens, exemplify the genre's evolving landscape - one where inclusivity, representation, and modernity are as crucial as the timeless themes they portray. Each film tells a unique tale yet is united by the universa...
but all good things must come to an end. AndFast Xis the beginning of the end for this franchise, starting us down the home stretch that will presumably end with Vin Diesel riding off into the sunset to meet up with Paul Walker in car heaven at the end of the next movie. We're no...
all local and interna all look no understan all men are created f all men naturally des all metal reflective all mine explosion all mouse events mous all multicast routers all my best memorise all my life ive been all my schemes drifti all natural soup all night partying all of asudden...
With apologies to Spinal Tap, this is the most metal episode The Simpsons has ever made. When Bart gets Milhouse in trouble on a school field trip to a museum of ancient civilizations, Luann uninvites him from going with Milhouse to see Spanish rap collective Violencia Gigante. Her excluding...
Metal Impact 1In most cases, the vicinity of metallic elements is not the best fit for an antenna, unless it is used as a reflector. Indeed metallic surface will reflect all the RF power from the antenna, and as antennas are reciprocal, it also affects the power/waves that try to reach...
A surge protector prevents spikes in electricity from ever hitting electronics thanks to a metal oxide varistor or MOV. It acts like a valve to help reroute the voltage, limiting or increasing resistance by grounding or absorbing the extra energy, thus keeping the electricity sent to your device...
Josh Homme has always been an unlikely mix of stoner-metal deity and power-pop nerd. His pop side wins out in this track, which was simply one of the catchiest tunes of the late 2000s. The song’s recurring triplet riff is part of the appeal, and he builds on that with a sitar-li...
Golden Visa Portugal’s GoDaddy site dazzles with a video background above the fold, showcasing stunning visuals. It also has a handy overlayed contact button and a clickable phone number for immediate queries. The transparent header transforms to solid as you scroll, grounding you in the site...
Finding new ground to uncover in the well-trodden landscape of stoner metal isn’t easy. The thick, resin-caked Sabbath riffs that define the genre are deeply satisfying but rarely revelatory, save for the epic contact highs of a band like Sleep or the soaring, progressive journeys of Elder...