Based on the award-winning play, this gripping drama revolves around a meeting between physicists Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg during World War II as they grapple with their respective roles in developing atomic weapons. Exploring the ethical boundaries of science and warfare, this film poses ch...
After releasing his song "Respect My Crypn" in October 2018, Blueface became a viral internet meme due to his off-beat style of rapping and high-pitched voice. He signed to the West Coast branch of Birdman's Cash Money Records label in November 2018. Also ranks #9 on The Best Looking...
With the infinite number of memes scattered across the internet, it's hard to keep track. Just when you've grasped the meaning of one hilarious meme, it has already become old news and replaced by something equally as enigmatic. Online forums like Tumblr, Twitter, 4chan, and Reddit are re...
There must be more than a clever title or humorous image to make a meme successful. Sometimeschoosing the right web fontmight mean the difference between a meme going viral and one that fades into oblivion. sponsored message Memes are effective tools that allow brands, leaders, and individuals ...
While the “First World” terminology has been around for a while, the hashtag #firstworldproblems reached its peak in popularity on Twitter in 2011 after Buzzfeed posted a series of memes about problems experienced by privileged people from wealthy countries. The meme almost always depicts an at...
While the “First World” terminology has been around for a while, the hashtag #firstworldproblems reached its peak in popularity on Twitter in 2011 after Buzzfeed posted a series of memes about problems experienced by privileged people from wealthy countries. The meme almost always depicts an at...
In short: watch to understand the meme of the film's stars arguing, keep watching to engage with one of the best Netflix movies. Genre: Romantic dramaRotten Tomatoes score: 97%Stars: Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson, Laura DernDirector: Noah BaumbachWatch now The Irishman (2019) (Image ...
Wall St Memes is a brand new meme crypto casino where players can wager using the casino’s own coin $WSM as well as most of the other popular crypto tokens. Open to anyone, even if you don’t already own $WSM, this Telegram and online casino has made an instant splash thanks to it...
Reface lets you take a selfie and put your face on to a meme or GIF in its library. It takes about 5 seconds for your face to be overlaid on that of Brad Pitt, Leonardo Dicaprio, or Taylor Swift. You will be surprised after seeing how well your overlaid face adopts the same expres...
Kevin James of King of Queens fame brought us something new this year: a sheepish meme that occasionally included two big ol' titties. One of James's old headshots resurfaced this year and the internet ran with it. It definitely got out of hand, but it's also...very fun....