Grey’s Anatomyis the longest-running primetime medical drama on TV, entering its 21st season in fall 2024. When the ABC show premiered in 2005, it followed Dr. Meredith Grey (Pompeo) and the rest of her fellow surgical interns as they learned the ways of Seattle Grace Hospital...
This K-drama based on a popularmanhwaof the same title is also considered one of the most popular Kdramas because viewers can pick up many lessons throughout the story. It doesn’t focus solely on the main character, but it also showed the struggles of the other characters and how they ...
Looking for an addictive K-drama to binge watch? Look no further. From, Squid Game to Crash Landing on You, these are the best Korean shows on Netflix right now.
Over 900 anime fans have voted on the 25+ Best Medical Anime. Current Top 3: The Apothecary Diaries, Monster, Young Black Jack
Also ranks #10 on The Best 1990s Medical TV Shows, Ranked Also ranks #20 on The Best 2000s CBS Shows Also ranks #35 on The Best '90s Sitcoms, Ranked Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? free 36 The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show George Burns, Gracie Allen, Bea Benaderet 251 ...
NetflixDoctor Cha (2023)After a crisis, Cha Jeong-suk finds herself back in the medical career she had left some 20 years earlier. She contends with new colleagues, mystery diagnoses and lots of drama. You can watch the complete limited series now. ...
a ruthless venture capitalist who invests $80m in a medical startup by young research scientist Lisa Donovan (Jane Levy) in return for sexual favors from Lisa’s husband, Sean (Blake Jenner). ‘What/If,’ as the title suggests, explores the possibilities and their outcomes in the face of ...
Also ranks #6 on The Greatest Sports Drama Movies of All Time 3 Finding Nemo Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould 236 votes This heartwarming animated tale follows overprotective clownfish Marlin as he traverses the dangers of the open ocean to find and save his son Nemo. Their bon...
Directed by John Singleton, the film expertly blends crime and family drama, exploring themes of loyalty, race, and the lengths individuals will go to protect their loved ones. The powerful performances by the ensemble cast and Singleton's gripping storytelling have made Four Brothers a popular...
Also ranks #16 on Great Drama Movies That Play with Time Also ranks #16 on The Best Movies About The Married Life 12 Blade Runner Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young 22 votes This seminal neo-noir sci-fi film immerses viewers in a dystopian future where a blade runner is tasked wit...