There are situations when time is crucial, for example in the case of disasters or medical emergencies. These require urgent responses, so any innovation aiming to help this medical specialty should shorten the time required for reaching the scene of unfortunate happenings. As new technologies emerge...
Look for AFib-specific monitors: Some devices are designed to be more accurate for individuals with AFib and may be labeled as suitable for use with irregular heartbeats. Validate accuracy: Ensure that the chosen monitor has been clinically validated for precision, especially for AFib patients. Foll...
N Engl J Med, 372 (2015), pp. 1812-1822 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 92 M.D. O'Neill, P. Jais, Y. Takahashi, et al. The stepwise ablation approach for chronic atrial fibrillation--evidence for a cumulative effect J Interv Card Electrophysiol, 16 (2006), pp. 153-167 Crossre...