ISTJs aredetail-orientedand analytical. Process-driven careers can be an excellent match for them. They prize a logical approach and structured thinking. They are likely only to accept change if they can see data that clearly supports the proposed benefits. Generally, change is challenging for IS...
Almost every Friday for the last 13 years, I’ve gone dancing at the same dance club. Last Friday, I met Ryan. I wouldn’t have noticed him if my friend Rebecca hadn’t pointed him out as someone she considered cute. I asked her why she didn’t go over and say hi, but she’s ...
Challenges: Extroverted ENFPs might find it difficult at times to understand introverted INFPs’ need for alone time, and INFPs may struggle to communicate those needs. 3 ENFJ and INFP have a deep romantic bond. Both ENFJs and INFPs are dreamers who want to find someone to share a deep ...