In 1956 England, Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne) lands a job as a production assistant on the set of "The Prince and the Showgirl," starring Marilyn Monroe (Michelle Williams). Marilyn is also honeymooning with her new husband, playwright Arthur Miller, but the combined pressure of work an...
Greta Isabelle Huppert, Chloë Grace Moretz, Maika Monroe 104 votes Directed by Neil Jordan, Greta is a psychological thriller that follows the story of Frances (Chloë Grace Moretz), a young woman who finds a lost handbag on a subway and returns it to its owner, an eccentric widow n...
You get a custom video just for you by dropping your favorite model, likeLana Monroe, a line. Start it off with a normal conversation, though, at least before jumping into the kinky stuff and price negotiations. Like all games, you want tostick to the rules.This is why you don’t wan...
《Blues in the Night》夜晚布鲁士 03:12 1941 Vaughn Monroe - The Last Time I Saw Paris 出自《Lady Be Good》端庄淑女 03:05 1941 Frances Langford - Out Of The Silence - 出自《All-American Co-Ed》全美明星校花 03:05 1941 Betty Noyes - Baby Mine 出自《Dumbo》小飞象 02:20 1940 Betty ...
Critics Consensus: There's Something About Mary proves that unrelentingly, unabashedly puerile humor doesn't necessarily come at the expense of a film's heart. Synopsis: Ted's (Ben Stiller) dream prom date with Mary (Cameron Diaz) never happens due to an embarrassing injury at her home......
Joe falls for the band’s seductive singer, Sugar (Marilyn Monroe), while Jerry has to fight off the lusty attentions of a wealthy old man. Billy Wilder delivers a pacy, racy cross-dressing farce, full of gags and sauce. DC Read more Advertising 14. Dumb & Dumber (1994) Film Comedy ...
Joe falls for the band’s seductive singer, Sugar (Marilyn Monroe), while Jerry has to fight off the lusty attentions of a wealthy old man. Billy Wilder delivers a pacy, racy cross-dressing farce, full of gags and sauce. DC Read more Advertising 14. Dumb & Dumber (1994) Film Comedy ...
Mary Alesandrini: 8.5 - Great outdoor seating in a lovely location, and really really well-made craft cocktails. Emily Bolton: I love this place. The cocktails are top notch, the bar is absolutely beautiful and they play good jams. Good service and knowledgeable bartenders. 13. Arbella 8.9...
Wilder, who had directed Marilyn Monroe’s iconic subway-grate scene in “The Seven Year Itch,” recognized better than anyone the hyper-feminine star’s potential, using her luminous, so-dazed-it’s-almost-Zen comic timing to upstage her cross-dressing co-stars. It’s a treat with teeth...
***The Family Tree Murders – A Lainey Maynard Mystery Series – Book 1 (The Lainey Maynard Mystery Series) (Deal, Not Free) by Laura Hern. Price: $0.99. Genre: Women Sleuth Mystery Deal, Sponsor, Lainey is concerned after receiving an email from Mary, who is upset about the results ...