Many adventurers long for power in physical items, such as weapons and armor, in order to be the greatest hero in the world. After all, it is very common to undergo a dungeon crawl and expect a magical item as a reward that improves their attacks and skills. However, there are adventure...
When hit by an attack or targeted by the Magic Missile spell, a character can cast theShield 5e spellto create an invisible barrier as a reaction. This adds +5 to their armour class (AC) until the start of the player’s next turn, so say goodbye to that Magic Missile damage. ...
This can be a little overwhelming at first, but the reams of rulebook eventually give you an enormous amount of freedom. The level of detail in every character, magic item, and adventure makes each level up more satisfying than the last. ...
The one thing artificers do well is create a selection of magic items with their Infuse Item feature. This allows them to imbue a selection of non-magic items with certain magical properties, including replicating the effect of some magical items listed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. As part...
This fantastic utility spell could be used to remove a negative spell effect from a party member, temporarily render a magic item nonmagical, or remove a magical trap like a glyph of warding. It cancels an area of effect spell hindering or hurting the party. ...
as out of touch nerds. For those that want something in between, shamans are a good way to keep some of that tribal flavor of the druid, the spiritual nature of the cleric, and the intelligent feel of the wizard. Shamans work heavily with nature spirits to work magic of a divine ...
The Gambler also has the ‘Never Tell Me the Odds’ feature. During downtime, you’ve got a natural advantage in games of chance that require you to judge the odds. You’ve not quite tapped into the Divinationschool of magic 5e, but you’ve got a good sense when placing your bets. ...
Bard Cleric Druid Paladin Ranger Concentration No Cure a creature’s disease, poison, paralysis, or blindness. Magic Weapon Level Two Casting time Action Range Melee Duration Until long rest School Transmutation Cast by Wizard Paladin Concentration Yes Make an ordinary weapon magical, giving it a...