Groudon best moveset Once you have a Groudon, set it up withMud ShotandEarthquaketo make it a great ground-type attacker. UsingSolar Beamas a charge move is actually quite good if you need a grass-type attacker. Can Groudon be Shiny? Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image sources: Niantic/T...
Best moveset for Mega Abomasnow Mega Abomasnow is best used as an ice-type attacker in raids, so it’s a good idea to have one that knowsPowder Snow and Weather Ball (Ice)for optimal damage. If you’d rather use Mega Abomasnow as a grass-type attacker, go withLeafage and Energy Ball....
Pokémon GO Sylveon best moveset Speaking of good IVs, Sylveon can hold its own in PvP, especially against those pesky Dragon-types. As one of thebest Pokémon in Pokémon GO, Togekiss is generally a better option, but Sylveon is still a strong pick and is at least bulkier than other Fair...
If you want to get your hands on Gyarados in Pokemon Go, you will need to do a lot of training because this Pokemon isn’t the easiest to get. Here is how to get Gyarados in Pokemon Go plus its best moveset. 🚀 Save Up to $1,200 on the Samsung Galaxy S25! Pre-order now ...
What is Pokémon Go Mewtwo’s best moveset? Here are two of the best Mewtwo movesets. If you can get your paws on an elite TM, the first is the best option, but if not, the second is still a strong choice. Option one Move type Move name Fast move Confusion Charged move Psystri...
Is Lugia good in Pokémon Go? Lugia is one of the better Master League Pokémon, especially if you give it the best moveset it can learn. You want to teach it the fast move Dragon Tail and the charged moves Aeroblast and Sky Attack. It won’t be able to beat Steel-type Pokémon, ...
Having a Blissey on your team with the best moveset possible, coupled with them hitting max CP, can provide a really strong start. Blissey's strengths and weaknesses If you are looking to use your Blissey as one of your fighting Pokemon, to take on Team Go Rocket, Gyms, and the Go ...
Related:The best moveset for shadow Regice in Pokémon Go The best Pokémon to counter Lugia The best Pokémon to counter Lugia in this five-star raid are Magnezone, Rampardos, and Mega Gengar. Magnezone is an Electric and Steel-type Pokémon. Thanks to its Steel-typing, it has a robust de...
Lugia Extrasensory Sky Attack Best defence movesets Pokémon Quick move Charge move Blissey Zen Headbutt Dazzling Gleam Snorlax Zen Headbutt Heavy Slam Gardevoir Confusion Dazzling Gleam Slaking Yawn Play Rough Dragonite Dragon Tail Outrage Chansey ...
Pokemon GO Slaking best moveset When it comes to the best moveset for Slaking, if you are looking to use your Pokemon to attack gyms and have other battles, Yawn, with a DPS of 0 (but provides 8.8 EPS), and Hyper Beam, with a DPS of 47.4, are the best. This creates a good Off...