[25.04] Vlad simplefied by a low elo for low elo's Guidebymitchellgamer12updatedFebruary 20, 2025 8.1 6 Votes 0 The only vex guide you will need [15.4] PT/ENG GuidebyBesXbolaupdatedFebruary 27, 2025 8 8 Votes 1 Kayn top LP printer(all match ups) ...
The best role to play to get out of low ELO and climb to the rank you wish Most diverse champion pool. You got everything you wish AP, AD, invisible, tanky, bruisers, assassins you name it you got it. You’ll become the most toxic player on planet Earth. You can have a huge im...
Morgana, the Fallen, is a champion revered for her potent crowd control and protective abilities. Primarily played as a support but also viable in the mid lane, Morgana's proficiency in locking down opponents with her Dark Binding (Q) and stunning multiple enemies with Soul Shackles (R) makes...
he can dominate the lane phase and kill enemies that don't respect his insane damage early on. He's a great snowball champion and, as everyone knows, can completely take over games. It should be noted though that he's more of a low ELO stomper and requires more skill...
Gathering Storm:Whether you are low elo or high elo, the games inLeagueare going to go the distance. This is why Gathering Storm is such a good run to select on Jinx. Every ten minutes, you will be granted extra attack damage. As mentioned, this rune makes sense on ADC’s if you ...
opposing team. And that’s important to note, Katarina is at her best when she can get out of lane and roams top or bot in search for additional kills – especially in low Elo as many players won’t follow her. With her immense mobility and high damage, she is very tough to play ...
Oh, this option when disabled will take you from your low-elo bronze hell straight to platinum or diamond. You see, once all chat is disabled the enemy team won’t be able to trigger you when they kill you by writing “EZZZZ GG” or “LOL” or “Mad?” or “?”. These are the...
So you wish to know which junglers best dominate the early game. Since in low ELO early game means everything and if a team loses the early game the opponent wishes to instantly FF and then search for another match. Well, look no further than this article. Here you'll find the best ...
The best tower dive situation is when your laner is shoving in a wave whilst the enemy is low. Sneak up behind the target and make sure you attack first so that you get tower aggro. Your minions will also start attacking the enemy alongside your teammate. Tank the tower for as long as...
She’s definitely the dominant one in the relationship you better listen to her or you’ll get castrated in your sleep. Also, a quick note is that Amumu’s ultimate ability scales well with AP and Katarina is an AP assassin... Get out there and play this combination!!