"Sealab 2021" and "Archer" director Matt Thompson made his feature directorial debut in 2021 with this outrageous and hilarious animated reimagining of America's earliest days. This version of the American Revolution features George Washington wielding a chainsaw, a beer-chugging Sam Adams, a fem...
The Machines (2021) (Image credit: Netflix) The Mitchells vs. The Machines is one of our picks for the best family movies on Netflix, and it's good enough for a slot in our main list. Not only does this animated movie about a family during a robot uprising offer a great cast that...
The Machines (2021) (Image credit: Netflix) The Mitchells vs. The Machines is one of our picks for the best family movies on Netflix, and it's good enough for a slot in our main list. Not only does this animated movie about a family during a robot uprising offer a great cast that...
The 2021 NFL draft has finally come to a close, with 259 exciting prospects joining NFL franchises over three days. For the most part, I was impressed with how teams went about the process this year, and there were a lot of savvy selections, especia...
That said, I just finished a session withFrancesca,who’s my new psychic. This year’s two hour in-person session focused on “the best franchises for 2021.” And it was pretty revealing. She’s quite good. Let’s do this! The Top 467 Franchises 2021 ...
An instant classic when it was released, Steven Spielberg’s dinosaur blockbuster spawned a franchise that’s still humming over three decades later with the 2025 release of the surefire hit Rebirth. The first three films in the series, including Spielberg’s sequel The Lost World, are on Max...
Almost 60 years after Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise embarked on their five-year-mission, Star Trek has grown into one of the biggest media franchises of all time. And while the must-watch factor of The Original Series has faded some with time (witness The Next Generation ...
Franchise units: 19 Initial investment: $327,000 - $698,500 Franchise Fee: $30,000 Royalty Fees: 5% If you’re interested in a healthier fast food restaurant franchise, you’ve come to the right place. Chop Stop is the fast-growing, low-cost, chopped salad concept with nine years of...
Also ranks #2 on 14 Movie Franchises That Almost Died, Then Came Roaring Back To Life Also ranks #2 on The 5 Daniel Craig James Bond Movies, Ranked Best To Worst Also ranks #3 on The Best Movies Of 2006 6 Murder on the Orient Express 2017 30 votes Kenneth Branagh...
A nice respite from how other franchises have approached world-building and stakes-setting in recent years, Prey relies heavily on the star-making performances of Amber Midthunder and Dakota Beavers, who shine as Comanche siblings in the Northern Great Plains who are stalked by the Predator. ...