Seasons: 2 seasons, 20 episodes Starring: The Avery family, Kathleen Zellner, Dean Strang, Jerome Buting, Robert Henak, Stephen Glynn, and Len Kachinsky Description: This documentary series focuses on a man called Steven Avery, who was wrongly accused of serious crime and assaul...
Love Is Blind Nick Lachey, Vanessa Lachey 88 votes Love Is Blind, a groundbreaking reality dating show, pushes the boundaries of romance to explore whether love can truly evolve without sight. As contestants embark on the uncharted journey of dating and finding love solely thro...
Thanks to Netflix’s relationship with FX, those without cable are fortunate enough to have access to one of the most important television series of all time.Pose(shown on BBC2 in the UK) is centered around New York City’s ballroom scene in the 1980s and the communities and families tha...
TV show, discovers life can change in a heartbeat when he accidentally gets into a car accident with single mother Annie Baker (Jennie Garth). In the unexpected friendship that develops between them, Eddie tries to help Annie's nearly-blind daughter Taylor get an operation to ...
Love is Blindseason 7 (Oct. 2) The hit reality series is heading to Washington, D.C., where a new crop of singles will date each other, sight-unseen, to try to find the love of their life. The only way to make it out of the “pods” is to get engaged, and from there they’...
'Love Is Blind' (Image credit: Netflix) Not all of the best Netflix series are high-brow, award-winning fare. This buzzy dating reality show is the love child of "The Bachelor" and "Married at First Sight". Fifteen men and 15 women go on dates with each other to find their match...
'Love Is Blind' (Image credit: Netflix) Not all of the best Netflix series are high-brow, award-winning fare. This buzzy dating reality show is the love child of "The Bachelor" and "Married at First Sight". Fifteen men and 15 women go on dates with each other to find their match...
The reality version of an all-stars spinoff, Perfect Match brings in fan favorites from several Netflix reality shows — including Too Hot to Handle, Love Is Blind, and The Circle— and drops them all in a swanky villa to find love. Whoever finds their perfect match on the show is a ...
Are graced thereby; and to make blind men see, What things gods are, I say they’re like to thee. For if we justly call each silly man A little world, what shall we call thee then? Thou art not soft, and clear, and straight, and fair, ...
There are many teen comedies, and teen sex comedies. None, however, come close toGregory's Girl, a story of love and lust burning in all its teenage intensity that manages both realism and unspeakable hilarity without ever forgetting to sympathise with its subjects.John Gordon Sinclairis the ...