Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a riveting interstellar adventure. Set in the expansive Star Wars universe, this standalone film follows Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), a rebellious outcast with a complex past. She's drawn into the Rebel Alliance's daring plan to steal the blueprints of the Em...
I have been playing on my Rogue of late and have enjoyed it which is strange as i have found them a little hard in the past. I was wondering which Horde race apart from Forsaken would a rogue fit into as i am thinking of…
He reluctantly agrees to help a small, gasoline-rich community escape from a horde of bandits led by the merciless Lord Humungus (Kjell Nilsson). The film, brimming with high-octane action and post-apocalyptic imagery, won the Saturn Award for Best International Film in 1982. It's an ...
Platform: Windows If you’ve got a craving for some cyberpunk FPS action with a vintage flair,CYBERHUNKwill fill that void. In it, you’re tasked with escaping from a horde of demonic robotic zombies that have been set loose in the city. ...
A horde of great four-player co-op shooters followed in the wake of Left 4 Dead, much like the hordes of zombies follow its protagonists. Some of those co-op shooters are great, and you'll find them over on our list ofbest FPS games, but Left 4 Dead 2 remains one of those games...
Zombie horde shooterLeft 4 Dead 2is a testament to Valve's ability to consistently reinvent aspects of the shooter genre. In this exciting gem from 2009, that holds up effortlessly today, you push through carefully crafted gauntlet maps while an AI director places new zombie types, hordes, and...
Rogue – Blood Elf Shaman – Tauren Warlock – Troll Warrior – Troll, Highmountain Tauren (Protection) Tip: When it comes to the new (and very cool) race called the Dracthyr, there is a pretty big requirement you have to meet before you can play as one. While the other races are av...
For those of you looking for something a bit more challenging, Disgaea 5 Complete is the way to go. And If you fall in love with the series, then Disgaea 1 Complete, Disgaea 4 Complete+, and Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny should keep you occupied for hundreds of hours. Disgaea 7: Vow...
Kennedy as you stare down a horde of angry villagers trying to tear you limb from limb – it’s enough to get your heart racing. it would make sense that one of the best survival horror games would also make one of the best VR games....
The game presents a contained cyberpunk story about a double agent looking to expose the Illuminati by aligning with a rogue group of hackers and infiltrating the enemy’s headquarters. Like many immersive sims, the gameplay blends first-person shooter combat with stealth and RPG-based advancement...