Multi-member LLC Taxed as C-Corp $800 REQUEST SERVICES Popular CUSTOM Call for Pricing! Everything in Business Core & Premium Package Tax Advisory Bookkeeping Advisory Tax Accounting Non-Profit Returns GET IN TOUCH What Our Clients Say
LLC members are treated as self-employed business owners or a sole proprietor in case of a single-member LLC for taxation purposes. For that reason, it is upon members to set aside enough money from their share of the profit to report to their personal tax returns. Shareholders, on the ot...
A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business entity. It’s an alternative to operating your business as a sole proprietorship or corporation. There are tax advantages and more protection for your personal assets when you operate as an LLC. But you need to find the best LLC forma...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treats both LLCs and LPs the same fortax purposes upon formation. However, an LLC has the option of electing to be taxed as if it were a corporation. Limited partnership tax treatment doesn't allow for such an election. You may also need to consider st...
A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business entity. It’s an alternative to operating your business as a sole proprietorship or corporation. There are tax advantages and more protection for your personal assets when you operate as an LLC. But you need to find the best LLC forma...
LLC Formation: Streamlines the setup of your Limited Liability Company. Operating Agreement and EIN Filing: Essential documents for operational clarity and tax purposes. Registered Agent Service: Manages legal documents, maintaining compliance. Customizable Legal Forms: Tailored to your business needs, ens...
Apply for tax identification numbers:Obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS, which is essential for tax purposes and other business activities. LLC Guides by State LLC Service Reviews The Bottom Line Through hours of research, our team found ZenBusiness to be the best...
Most people who launch LLCs do so for the tax benefits and the personal asset protection they offer. How much does it cost to create a Montana LLC? Can I start an LLC in Montana on my own? Share: ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kellan Jansen, BA Business Writer Kellan works with businesses of al...
Free LLC Service:We’ll create your entity for free (plus your state’s required fee), while some competitors charge hundreds of dollars for similar services. $5,000 Grant Program:ZenBusiness customers are eligible to enter our grant program which includes $5,000 and other special resources to...
You may not need payroll software, especially if you have a small LLC. For small companies with five-15 employees, it may be possible to run payroll without software, using a simpler system like spreadsheets. However, as your company grows, running payroll without software may be more costly...