The best live albums of all time capture the very essence of a band’s energy in concert, making you feel like you were actually there.
Over 1K music fans have voted on the 40+ albums on Best Gospel Albums of All Time. Current Top 3: Amazing Grace, God's Property from Kirk Franklin's Nu ...
During his long career, this Californian pianist/composer who liked to dabble with unorthodox time signatures, recorded a plethora of live albums but this was undoubtedly one of his best. It was recorded in front of a largely student audience at Ohio’s Oberlin college with Brubeck leading a q...
"Got Live if You Want It,” the Rolling Stones promised in a 1966 album title. And oh, do we want it, in 2021, when the pandemic has canceled its fair share of shows. Fortunately, we still have access to the thousands of worthy live albums that have been
Over 198K anime fans have voted on the 150+ Best Romance Anime Of All Time. Current Top 3: Your Name, Horimiya, Snow White With the Red Hair
shirtless Black men rejoicing in front of the White House — with a white judge, gavel in hand, lying motionless at the bottom of the photograph. Confrontational, exciting, joyful, disturbing and timely, it was a provocative and evocative cover for one of the best rap albums of the 2010s....
hits albums have waned, T.V. shows like Bones are starting to create compilation albums of the show’s most memorable songs. Nonetheless, there are still musical albums that stand out as the best in the last 50 years. These are the top twenty best Greatest Hits Albums of All Time. ...
UPDATE:It's officially 30 years since one of the best hip-hop albums of all time was released - Wu-tang Clan's Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). The album brought to the world one of the greatest rap acts of all time, a group that spawned many a solo career and changed the face...
This list of the best-selling albums of all time has more to it than you'd might think. Record labels & artists often post much higher claimed sales than...
from tracks you can dance to all the way to harsh noise. For our exploration of the greatest ambient albums, we polled critics for their favorites, with the suggestion that “ambient” meant, in part, music that creates an environment, something like a cloud of sound, be it soothing, sad...