genres. In most cases, the author representatives below are included based on the number of significant book deals they’ve reported for new writers, debut authors, and first-time authors. In that regard, you can consider the following fiction book agents the best literary agents for new ...
Our literary agency database has information about new and established author representatives seeking authors. Our literary agency directory is easy to use and it’s searchable by book genres and location. You can find agent biographies, contact information, photos, and more for allBook AgentsandBoo...
If you are looking for the best young adult books, new YA books for your pre-order list, or young adult fiction for yourself or the teens in your life, we've got you. Book Riot is the largest independent literary site in North America, bringing you news, bookish commentary, and recs ...
Andrea Brown Literary Agency represents new and established authors specializing in children’s and adult literature. They have several co-agents in addition to its team of highly experienced agents. This structure allows the company to be active in selling subsidiary rights. When submitting your work...
The publishing world is competitive, so it’s natural for authors to stress about all the little details of submitting to a literary magazine — whether to add page numbers to their document, who to address in their cover letter, whether they’ll stand a chance as a brand new author, etc...
One of the best writers conferences to join in 2024 is the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Conference. If you are a fiction author, you can enjoy keynote presentations from regional authors, literary agents, and editors. You can also experience pitching opportunities, learn market insights and tren...
The publishing world is competitive, so it’s natural for authors to stress about all the little details of submitting to a literary magazine — whether to add page numbers to their document, who to address in their cover letter, whether they’ll stand a chance as a brand new author, etc...
Also ranks #8 on The Best Fictional FBI Agents 121 Morticia Addams The Addams Family, Addams Family Values, The Addams Family 874 votes Morticia A. Addams is the fictional matriarch of "The Addams Family", created by cartoonist Charles Addams and based on his first wife Barbara...
Established in 2011, The Bestselling Author has helped 400+ authors get literary agents and/or traditional publishers. Writers who’ve worked with Literary Agent Undercover, a division of The Bestselling Author, have gotten six-figure book deals; been on the New York Times bestseller list; had...
Literary agents Glen Hartley and Lynn Chu hosted a post--launch cocktail party in their nearby loft. John Roode Catering provided gourmet food and poet Matthew Yeager served as the evening's expert mixologist. Poet Star Black shares these photos: l to r Mark Strand, John Ashbery, David Schlos...