We are really excited to have had Docker Desktop be featured in a breakout session titled “The Journey to One .NET” at MSFT Build by @Scott Hanselman with WSL 2. Earlier in the his keynote, we learned about the great new enhancements for GPU support for WSL 2 and we want to hear ...
Some SSH clients on Windows provide the SSH server software (terminal), while other SSH software only comes with an SSH client. Interestingly, while Linux has thousands of applications that use SSH under the hood, there are only a few GUI applications made for Linux that use SSH. Most of t...
Windows OS has gained abunch of Linux functionalities over the years. For example, Windows 10 and 11 support theLinux subsystem through WSL 2and now also feature a package manager called Windows Package Manager. A package manager allows you to upgrade, install, or remove software you have previ...
Microsoft’s stance for decades was that community creation and sharing of communal code (later to be known as free and open source software) represented a direct attack on their business. Their battle with Linux stretches back many years. Back in 2001, former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer famousl...
Homebrew (Mac OS X / Linux and WSL) You can use Homebrew onMac OS XorLinux and WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). $ brew install goodwithtech/r/dockle RHEL/CentOS VERSION=$(curl --silent"https://api.github.com/repos/goodwithtech/dockle/releases/latest"|\grep'"tag_name":'|\sed -...
Best Docker Containers for Beginners 1.Portainer Portainer Webui For Docker Managing containers may not be easy for you, especially if you run Kubernetes orminikube. Much like Raft for WSL on Windows, Portainer is made for managing containers. Portainer is made for Docker, however, and is a ...
A new version of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is released in 2004. Unlike the prior version that used an emulator, WSL 2 uses its own kernel. This should increase compatibility and performance. The new version allows you to run ELF64 Linux binaries on Windows. Individual Linux distros ...
Xshell is a tool developed by Netsarang as part of their suite of PC X apps designed to streamline the interface between UNIX, Linux, and Windows computers. Xshell is the SSH client portion of that suite, and it’s designed with complex management tasks in mind. ...
# Install support programs for the build and test commands sudo apt-get install make git subversion mercurial # Install nodejs and NPM within the WSL wget -qO- https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo bash sudo apt-get install nodejs # Install dev dependencies sudo npm install -g ...
Microsoft is buildinga graphical interface for Linux appsinto WSL2, but the feature works best as a command line-style interface for now. It pairsverywell withMicrosoft’s awesome Terminal text editor, pictured above, which lets you manage Linux, PowerShell, and command line tools simultaneously...