If your lifegain deck struggles to close things out, you probably need more payoffs. I also advise steering clear of most cards thatonlygain life, likeFeed the ClanandNatural Spring. They can be fine in small doses, especially if they gain a lot of life, but they don’t meaningfully im...
protecting your own life total while you whittle down the other players’. For this strategy, you’ll want to fill your deck with creatures that are buffed up using life gain. Cards like Heliod, Sun-crowned andAjani’s Pridematespring to mind....
Let’s take a look at the top fifteen mill and self-mill cards in Magic the Gathering, ranked by popularity in league decks as well as my own meager opinion.
Keeping up with the top MTG Arena Standard decks can be a mission, with new Bloomburrow cards and Standard rotation shaking things up.
Sweepers that can return value to your board state are always welcome within theMTGCommander format. Let the World Burn takes care of most threats for control decks, and if you have an abundance of powerful Historic cards in your deck, Release Juno reanimates it to the battlefield with a ...
The basic “pitch” for playing this card in Standard is that it was one part annoying value creature (Mila, Crafty Companion) and one part clunky finisher (Lukka, Wayward Bonder). Cards like this have inherent flexibility in that they cover two slots on your curve and also mitigate the dr...
translate up to a ton of cEDH playables. Obviously, as I always say, this should be expected. Competitive EDH games are focused on playing the most busted cards in all of Magic's history; it's going to be hard for cards from the latest Standard-legal set to meaningf...
target is back in Standard for the cheap cost of one Red mana throughShock. Aggro and Burn decks can use the Instant best. Shock was originally printed throughStronghold. It’s one of the bestMagicInstant spells against Aggro decks, and I’m happy to have it back in theMTGStandard format...
Still, I think it could be fun to try to build around this card, as the value really starts to stack up once you have multiple copies of this in play, drawing two cards and gaining six life with each desert. Regardless this is sweet against aggro decks, as each land drop gaining you...
A similar game could be played with a standard deck of cards. May be boring for people who are more advanced in trick-taking games. Instructions are a bit unclear. 15. Plague, Inc.– Best Chaos Game Plague Inc. Board Game (Base Game) | Strategy Board Game for Adults and Teens ...