Destiny 2 Bungie’s universe-spanning action-MMO has attracted millions of players to its deep sci-fi storytelling and refined shooter mechanics. Explore the mysteries of the solar system as a Guardian, a defender of the Last City of humanity, as the game’s long-running story approaches The...
Up to four players embark on a chaotic journey across the vibrant planet of Pandora, taking down enemies and collecting an astounding variety of weapons and equipment. The unique cell-shaded art style and distinct character classes with skill trees make this title stand out amongst its peers. ...
though there's still plenty to love for fans of the original game. InDragon's Dogma 2, you play the Arisen, a powerful being whose destiny it is to slay a dragon. Along the way, you'll recruit a team of Pawns,
From hand cannons to glaives, Destiny 2 has a vast and varied spread of weapons. Multiple archetypes, hundreds of Legendary and Exotic guns, and tons of randomised perks make for one of the most diverse and exciting arsenals in any online shooter. But which are thebest Destiny 2 PvP weapo...
The latest installment in the wildly successful looter-shooter series, Borderlands 3 is a co-op adventure that casts you a legendary Vault Hunter on a mission to defeat two tyrannical twins, and also hoover up as many color-coded weapons as possible. The Borderlands franchise is notorious for...
Destiny 2 Bungie’s universe-spanning action-MMO has attracted million of players to its deep sci-fi storytelling and refined shooter mechanics. Explore the mysteries of the solar system as a Guardian, a defender of the Last City of hum...
#1 Destiny 2: The Final Shape Platform: PC XSX|S PS5 PS4 Xbox One Release Date: February 27, 2024 One thing that Bungie has done very well with their sci-fi series is weave a compelling narrative that went beyond the main game and into the DLC content. WithDestiny 2: The Final Shape...
Destiny 2's weapons and armors come in several different rarities, ranging from uncommon and rare to legendary and exotic. The exotic or yellow-coded gear is by far the best loot to get, often significantly bumping up a Guardian's power level - which, after reaching the XP level 20 become...
13.Destiny 2: The Final Shape Jun 4, 2024 In Destiny 2: The Final Shape, Guardians confront oblivion in the form of their ultimate adversary –The Witness – alongside their iconic Vanguard companions: Ikora Rey, Commander Zavala, and the mysteriously returned Cayde-6. Players embark on a ...
The little spirit Ori is no stranger to peril, but when a fateful flight puts the owlet Ku in harm’s way, it will take more than bravery to bring a family back together, heal a broken land, and discover Ori’s true destiny. From the creators of the acclaimed action-platformer Ori an...