Jamie Foxx's powerful and transformative portrayal of legendary musician Ray Charles drives this captivating biographical drama. Set against the backdrop of the 1980s music industry, the film offers a resonant exploration of the creative genius, personal struggles, and triumphs that mar...
Moving into a slightly younger crowd, many of the biggest Hollywood actors today are quickly becoming legendary themselves. Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Aaron Paul, Michael Fassbender, Chris Hemsworth, Henry Cavill, and Johnny Depp are not o...
In the 1972 biopic Lady Sings the Blues, this legendary jazz singer's tumultuous life is explored with raw emotion and honesty. From her beginnings in poverty and abuse to her rise as a groundbreaking artist and struggles with addiction, her portrayal captures the strength, ...
SOULCALIBUR V, the latest entry in the premier weapons-based head-to-head fighting series continues the epic struggle of warriors in search for the legendary Soul Swords. SCV takes place 17 years after the events of SOULCALIBUR IV and continues the epic story of warriors in search of the lege...
Considering the first game released in the early 2000s, the best way to experience the original trilogy is through the remasteredMass Effect Legendary Edition. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Platforms: Windows, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch ...
Return to the birth of the legendary saga in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, where iconic characters and lands first began to take shape. Traditional puzzle-solving and combat meet motion-controlled gameplay to create an engaging link between player and character. Its impact is palpable, sha...
Jeff Bridges stars as the legendary gunslinger Wild Bill Hickok in this gritty biographical drama that explores the man behind the myth. The film delves into the complexities of Hickok's relationships, his struggles with fame and personal demons, and the violent events that shaped his life and ...
With legendary performances and a monster that will never leave you, Jaws is the ultimate creature feature. Read more: 11 big dumb shark movies to guarantee you'll never go swimming again Jaws 8.1/10 £10.98at Amazon £11.99at Zavvi UK £8.75at Hive Books 7. Ringu (1998) (Image ...
As the storyline brother of The Undertaker, he engaged in a legendary rivalry with The Deadman, showcasing an incredible mix of size, agility, and raw power. Over time, the Big Red Machine evolved from a silent, masked monster to an enduring mainstay on WWE programming, cap...
Renowned Japanese director Kazuaki Kiriya brings to life the legendary figure of Ishikawa Goemon in this visually stunning and action-packed film. Goemon is a captivating blend of history and fantasy, following the titular ninja who steals from the rich to give to the poor, as he uncovers a si...