The best PvP class in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth The Clash of Titans! For the Alliance! Lok’tar Ogar! Get ganked Noobs! We’ve all heard the battle-cries as steel clashes with steel, spells are flung and opponents are left eating the dirt. The thrill and the salt when you...
Order of the Phoenix Force Future Legends Lords of Destruction Fearless Assassins Legendary Titans The Invincible Ones Mythical Gladiators The Conquerors Club Unstoppable Legion Supreme Survivors Apex Predators Titanic Terminators No Mercy Mercenaries Dreaded Demolitionists The Untouchables Undefeated Champions The...
This guy takes note of how many different aspects ofDota 2are unlikeLeague of Legends (LoL)orHeroes of Newerth (HoN). He can even note howStarcraft IIissomuch better than thisgenre. The most famous variant of this noob is the one that complains a lot about this game not being his prefer...