Enemy of the State, featuring Will Smith as lawyer Robert Clayton Dean, masterfully weaves conspiracy and corruption elements into an exhilarating action thriller. With the help of ex-intelligence operative, played by Gene Hackman, Dean takes on the National Security Agency to expose a vicious consp...
Out of prison after serving time for armed robbery, brothers Dale (Guy Pearce), Mal (Damien Richardson) and Shane (Joel Edgerton) are set for a bank heist planned by their underhanded lawyer, Frank (Robert Taylor). But after pocketing his share of the cash, Frank, who's bedding Dale's...
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Tannera was named a Best Lawyers 2022 "Lawyer of the Year" for Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs in Memphis. This award is particularly noteworthy, as only one lawyer per practice area in each metro is awarded this honor. She and 23 of...
Butler Snow LLP is pleased to announce 215 attorneys have been recognized as the Best Lawyers in America® 2024. The firm also had 18 attorneys recognized as The Best Lawyers in America® 2024 “Lawyer of the Year” and 52 attorneys recognized as Best Lawyers® 2024: Ones to Watc...
Lawyer for life - Personal Injury Lawyers connecting injury accident victims with qualified personal injury accident attorney's throughout the United States. Send us your personal acccident injury information and we'll help you understand your rights and
career as a management labor lawyer, I am proudest of the many outstanding companies I have been privileged to represent, the important contributions I have made to the legal profession nationally, and the significant leadership roles I have held in my State of Tennessee and in Greater Memphis....
A young lawyer named Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan) takes on cases of death row inmates in Alabama and tries to fight for the life of Walter ‘Johnny D’ McMillan (Jamie Foxx), who was wrongfully convicted of murder. Just Mercy tells an inspiring story and addresses the obstacles mino...
One of Steven Spielberg’s absolute best, “Catch Me If You Can” tells the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio), a young man who conned his way into being a doctor, lawyer and airline pilot all before he was 19. DiCaprio is impeccably cast as wide-eyed Frank, while ...
Butler Snow is pleased to announce 194 attorneys have been recognized as The Best Lawyers in America® 2023. The firm also had 18 attorneys recognized as The Best Lawyers in America® 2023 “Lawyer of the Year” and 54 attorneys recognized as Best Lawyers® 2023: Ones to Wat...