Green dreams come true! Unearth the finest lawn seed and grass seed selections to cultivate your perfect outdoor oasis with Nature's Seed. Start sowing today!
Our team of experts has selected the best grass seeds out of hundreds of models. Don't buy grass seeds before reading these reviews.
Late summer or early fall, from mid-August to late September, is the ideal time to plant cool-season grass seeds in north, central and eastern Kentucky. Late spring or early summer, May or June, is the best time for sowing warm-season grass seeds in western Kentucky. How long does it ...
Shop all bestselling seeds, perennial plants and flower bulbs here!Planting How-To’s Bestselling Clover & Grass Seeds Planting Guides How To Grow Clover, Grass & Lawn Seeds How To Choose The Best Grass Seed Visit Our Clover, Grass & Lawn Learning Center...
Miracle-Gro's Fast Green lawn food is designed to give you a greener lawn in 24 hours that can last up to six weeks. The formula is said to strengthen the grass roots, making it better ready to absorb water and nutrients. This pack can cover up to 100m² of your lawn and it's...
For a neat finish, re-cut your lawn edges each spring with a half moon tool, and trim overhanging grass after mowing with edging shears. To keep edges looking neat browse our pick of thebest strimmers, thebest garden shearsand thebest lawn edging. ...
Read our article onHow to Grow and Care for Centipedegrassif you feel like a centipedegrass lawn is the best grass choice for you. Grass Seed Options: –Gulf Kist Coated Centipedegrass Seeds(1 lb.) –Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Centipedegrass(3.75 lbs.) ...
Lawn Grasses for Sun & ShadeFor sunny areas where winter dormancy is acceptable, the best lawns are warm-season turf varieties like Bermuda, hybrid Bermuda, kikuyu and zoysias. These trailing grasses are excellent at filling in bare spots and recover quickly from foot traffic. They also are ...
Removing dead grass and debris—also called dethatching—is key to achieving a healthy lawn. Dethatchers come in a variety of sizes and styles, so we rounded up the best.
Here's everything you need to know about different types of grass, when to put down grass seed, the fastest growing grass, and how to make your lawn thicker.