X6-88 carries a laser rifle and is a formidable fighter. You can recruit him as a companion only after joining the Institute. X6-88 has one of the highest agility stat in the game; thus, you can possibly use him for stealth gameplay. He is the only companion...
Fighting melee is cool, but I personally always preferred taking down myFallout enemies with either an assault or a laser rifle. There is no shortage of them inF4, and that’s where Perception comes in. If you don’t want to fall behind as you level up in the game and explore more d...
Fallout 76 has something for players who enjoy glass cannon builds, as there are many options that can significantly boost your damage. Before we continue with the build, the best way to keep your health semi-permanently low is by purposefully taking radiation damage to your health bar until i...
Some of the best weapons in the game, assault rifles are two-handed guns boasting high firepower and decent range. Their versatility, rate of fire, and reload speed make them all-around great weapons. While you’re free to use whatever rifle you want, some are better than others. In this...
Fallout 3D print # 5. AER9 laser rifle AER 9 laser rifle 3D print will make a great prop for your cosplay costume. And this one is to dream of. Yvo de Haas, the young designer behind the laser rifle 3D print, has built a reloading mechanism and an actual laser in the rifle. ...
The Starfield Premium Upgrade is a physical or digital add-on to the base game you can buy separately that includes the Shattered Space Story Expansion when it releases, the Constellation Skin Pack (Equinox Laser Rifle, Spacesuit, Helmet and Boost Pack), access to the Starfield digital artbook...
First appeared in:Fallout (1997) Based in part on the 'Uncle Moneybags' character from Monopoly, Vault-Boy is the Fallout series' mascot, popping up when you win trophies, pick character traits or watch an instructional video - all over the shop, basically. The bright, shiny, golden-haired...
I love a good laser or plasma rifle. Perception Details: Modifies: Explosives Skill, Lockpick Skill, Energy Weapons Skill, and the distance at which the Courier detects creatures and people Perception-Related Perks: Friend of the Night, Alertness, Sniper, Hobbler, Light Step, Better Criticals,...
For more on MW3, take a look at ourbest Longbow loadoutandbest FJX Imperium loadoutif you like sniping. If you prefer an assault rifle, however, take a look at ourbest MCW loadoutand bestHolger 556 loadout.
voice-acted dialogue which does wonders for inviting players into its world. More than that, the MMORPG dispenses with many traditional fantasy tropes, offering a novel list of species and classes for players to enjoy. Few games let you play as a rifle-toting tree-person, or a laser-shootin...