In the gritty drama Gran Torino, Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) is a cantankerous, retired auto worker and Korean War veteran. His life takes an unexpected turn when his young Hmong neighbor, Thao (Bee Vang), tries to steal his cherished car: a 1972 Gran Torino. Amidst neighborhood gang te...
In the quiet of the South Korean the village of Gokseong becomes the backdrop for a mysterious infection and multiple murders. Officer Jong-goo (Kwak Do-won) faces a macabre puzzle that finds him trapped in a web woven by a Japanese stranger whose arrival in the village heralds a wave of...
Goya Sushi & Grill offers an easy and satisfying way to enjoy quality Japanese and Korean cuisine. 📌 Visit us at 13776 US-183 ste 134, Austin, TX 78750, or place your order online for a convenient and tasty meal that fits your schedule. We’re excited to share our food with you!
Also ranks #4 on The Best Korean Movies On Netflix Also ranks #6 on The Best Netflix Original Movies Ever Also ranks #8 on The Best Monster Movies On Netflix 64 Detroit John Boyega, Will Poulter, Algee Smith 1,497 votes In the summer of 1967, rioting and civil unrest starts to tear...
Seen as one of the biggest films to spark the Korean wave in cinema, the movie is iconic in more ways than one. One scene that will forever stick with me is a fight sequence in a hallway that is reported to have taken multiple takes to get the flawless single shot it now is. The ...
In the quiet of the South Korean the village of Gokseong becomes the backdrop for a mysterious infection and multiple murders. Officer Jong-goo (Kwak Do-won) faces a macabre puzzle that finds him trapped in a web woven by a Japanese stranger whose arrival in the village heralds a wave of...
93. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery View full post on Youtube "Yeah, baby!" Who can forget about Austin Powers?? This award-winning comedy film (and its sequels) are some of the most memorable movies of all time. This spoof on 1960s spy films has Austin Powers (Mike Myers...
Minnesota. A Korean War vet, Karl is a flowery drunk blessed with the gift of gab and the eloquence of a true con artist. Joe Bulo, the front man for the northern expansion of a Kansas City crime syndicate. The new face of corporate crime, Joe's bringing a Walmart mentality to small...
A post shared by Ichiban (@austinichiban) Are you looking for a place for date night? Maybe you are looking for a restaurant to treat the gang? On the other hand, you might want to be alone, and you are looking for a food place to enjoy some sushi all to yourself. ...
For Southern cooking your mee-maw would appreciate, check out the historic Mary Mac’s Tea Room. Lovers of Asian cuisine won’t be disappointed by the Buford Highway, a stretch just north of the city that abounds with authentic Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Indian restaurants and supermarke...