In The Lion King, a young lion prince named Simba (voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas when young and Matthew Broderick as an adult) is destined to become king of the Pride Lands. His wicked uncle Scar (Jeremy Irons), however, has other plans. The film, an animated musical drama produced ...
Latest additions: PnB Rock, Young Dolph, King Von Most divisive: Soulja Slim Over 19.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Greatest Rappers Who Died Too Soon HOW RANKINGS WORK Update: Dive into the best new hip hop with our list of 2020's top rap songs. The Not...
Chopsquad DJis a major key in Chicago’s illustrious rap scene. Over the last 365 days, he linked up with Lil Durk for7220, worked onKing Von’s posthumous albumWhat It Means To Be King, crafted a collaborative project withLil EazzyycalledToo Eazzyyand contributed to G Herbo’sSurvivor’... ...
(1.3 billion streams), delving into jealousy with lyrics such as “rather be in jail than alone”. The other big theme of the record is dealingwith the fame that debut “Ctrl” brought SZA, and despite the album’s who’s who of features (Don Tolliver, Travis Scott and Phoebe Bridgers...
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” Facing a floundering relationship, Clairo decides to lean into not only her sadness, but her anger. “Was it enough?” she asks her counterpart, pounding the piano like mid-’70s Carole King. There’s disdain in that line, but the next verse packs cruel irony: “Do you miss all ...
” Facing a floundering relationship, Clairo decides to lean into not only her sadness, but her anger. “Was it enough?” she asks her counterpart, pounding the piano like mid-’70s Carole King. There’s disdain in that line, but the next verse packs cruel irony: “Do you miss all ...
81. ‘The Lion King’ (Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff, 1994) If Disney’s photoreal remake of ‘The Lion King’ rankled some viewers even more than the studio’s other recent retreads, it’s probably because the original still holds up as the best animated musical ever made. A clever riff...
One of the greatest ideas of all time is: what if post-hardcore took lessons fromRed, that brilliant King Crimson record? What if “Starless” was the basis for a post-Fugazi alternative rock record? It turns out the fruit of this is, more or less, the genesis of almost everything we...