A-tier champions in LoL Arena Briar Lux Illaoi Darius Gragas Trundle Lillia Vladimir Poppy Shyvana Kog’Maw Garen Hwei Jhin Aatrox Sylas Anivia Xerath Evelynn Shen Brand Zed Kayn Sivir Lulu Pyke Taliyah Senna Gwen Zyra Mordekaiser Olaf These champions are still incredible in teamfights and can gre...
Seraphine is the perfectLeaguechampion when it comes to Nexus Blitz. Not only can she dish out the damage (make sure you build ability power) but she has enough sustain for the team to stick out long engagements and really push for objectives on the way to cracking open the Nexus. ...
51.54% Win Rate 1.57% Play Rate 0.22% Ban Rate 1172 Matches Gwen Jungle Synergy The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Gwen are Xin Zhao, Kayn, and Shaco. # Win Pick Game 1 58.33% 1.28% 78 2 59.38% 1.05% 64 3 58.33%
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks jump back to the Meta once again with a positive win rate of 52%. He is quite strong against high-pick-rate champions like Udyr and Kayn, even with Master Yi. Fiddlesticks has a pretty fast clear speed and can solo the dragon during the early game. This champion ...
MundoDravenEkkoEliseEvelynnEzrealFiddlesticksFioraFizzGalioGangplankGarenGnarGragasGravesGwenHecarimHeimerdingerHweiIllaoiIreliaIvernJannaJarvan IVJaxJayceJhinJinxK'SanteKai'SaKalistaKarmaKarthusKassadinKatarinaKayleKaynKennenKha'ZixKindredKledKog'MawLeBlancLee SinLeonaLilliaLissandraLucianLuluLuxMalphiteMalzaharMaokaiMaster...
-99 Xin Zhao WR52.59% 58 games + 2% GD@15 -107 Elise WR48.53% 34 games GD@15 -119 Kayn WR55.56% 72 games GD@15 -137 Master Yi WR52.78% 54 games + 2% GD@15 -198 Brand WR53.13% 64 games + 9% + 21% GD@15 -237
ASkarnerprobuild is best suited tocounter Sejuani, tocounter Rengaror tocounter Gragason the opposing team. WithSkarnerand the availableprobuilds, it is possible to minimize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. On the other hand,Volibear,LilliaorKaynlead to desperation forSkarnerplayers. ...
Shyvana Probuilds for Patch from Pro players. Shyvana is mostly played on position Jungle / Top. Find your winning Shyvana Pro Builds. Q W E R Fighter 0/0 Win/Loss 0% Pick Rate 0% Ban Rate Victory 4 days ago 22:05 min 15
Kayn 288 games + 7% + 2% + 1% WR 49.65% Jarvan IV 228 games + 10% + 8% + 2% WR 49.56% Rek'Sai 180 games + 7% + 6% + 2% WR 49.44% Sylas 78 games + 5% WR 49.36% Rammus 66 games + 4% WR 49.24% Elise 122 games
Kayn 88 games ⮩ + 11% + 4% WR 52.27% + 7% + 3% + 11% GD@15 534 Rek'Sai WR52.94% 68 games + 13% GD@15 525 Kayn WR52.27% 88 games GD@15 496 Amumu WR57.50% 40 games GD@15 466 Volibear WR52.78% 54 games GD@15 ...