Explore the 2025 Best Colleges in California ranking. Compare top California colleges and universities.
By: Colleges of Distinction Staff Colleges of Distinction has hand-picked a selection of top schools in California that are well equipped to provide a personalized education catered to students’ interests. Through a rigorous vetting and interview process, we have refreshed and reaffirmed that these...
Explore the 2025 Best Colleges in America ranking. Compare the Top 100 colleges and universities in the U.S.
Explore the 2025 Best Colleges in America ranking. Compare the Top 100 colleges and universities in the U.S.
Our Best Colleges for the Money ranking is determined by first looking at the combined costs of average tuition, fees, and room and board before any aid is applied. But, a school that excels in providing value for your money must also be a great school overall as well. To take this in...
How Encinal Junior/Senior High School performed nationally and statewide out of 17,655 nationally ranked schools and 1,652 schools ranked in California. Ranking Factors National State College Readiness Index Rank #2,812 #411 College Curriculum Breadth Index Rank ...
Anderson Valley Junior-Senior High School 18200 Mountain View Rd. Boonville, California 95415 #9,446 in National Rankings #1,056 in California High Schools Nearby Schools Ranked School Unranked School Best Colleges in California Stanford University #4 in...
The Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is a national higher education honor society for students in two-year colleges, including community colleges, junior colleges, and technical or vocational schools. Students enrolled in a two-year associate’s program, certificate program, or similar institution, where...
There are 158 colleges and universities with teacher degree programs in California.1 52 schools offer an associate’s degree in education.1 55 schools offer a bachelor’s degree in education.1 84 schools offer a master’s or advanced degree in education.1 ...
Smart Summer College Planning Steps for All High School Grades: Summer is a great time to work on your college search and applications. Here's what you can do to prep whether you're a freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior! How to Get a Head Start on the Colle...