At level 1, unlock your second skill and purchase basic boots. Try to go in the middle lane; it will help you rotate fast in the top or bottom lanes. Clear your first wave of minions. But try to avoid farming in the jungle if a proper assassin or jungler is present. Image via Leve...
Since the dawn of time, video games granted us a world to call our own. One that we can tailor to our playing style. RPGs extended on that idea and gave us almost complete reign to fulfil our wildest fantasies. In a pixelated style, creators don’t have to worry about the ins and ...
The long awaited sequel to the king of all looter shooters arrives in September to remind us all why Borderlands is one of the best FPS franchises around. With a whole new roster of characters to play as along with more guns than in any other game, Borderlands 3 offers one of the most...
Believe it or not, Roblox have an array of amazing sports games with really nice gameplay mechanics. With millions of amazing games in every niche in the platform, we give you our 10 most fun sports games to play on Roblox! 10. Deep Sea Gymnastics Center (PC, Mobile, Tablet) Deep Sea...
Penking is one of the lower level bosses, I highly recommend catching one as soon as you feel capable of taking the king down. This will be one of your first Pals that has a level 2 in their work skills. They are literally just an upgrade from the Pengullet because they have all th...
This weapon isn’t the king at either of these but the fact that this gun spits out bullets like nothing else means that you’ll still be raining down crits and procs on the baddies. How to get Imperator Vandal: Once exclusive to the Operation: Eyes of Blight event, the Imperator ...