fn.js is an opinionated JavaScript library that pushes you to to adopt strategies that encourage a functional programming style. fn.js aims to support functional practices over performance or established conventions. In order to guide you on the right path, fn.js internals force avoidance of side...
8. Anime.JS Animations always have been a key factor in enhancing the user experience of a website. With the use of Flash slowly declining, its time to move on to JavaScript CSS libraries. Anime.JS is very flexible and allows you to add motion or transform the elements in your applicatio...
What are the Steps to Finding the Best Javascript Libraries? If you are looking for the best Javascript library, then look no further. We have compiled together 5 steps that will help you find the framework for building awesome apps. This blog will convince you why Ext JS is the best Java...
Sencha Ext JS is the framework of best Javascript libraries, which is a stand-alone application development framework with a feature-rich user interface.
Next.js utilises components of JavaScript and React to create the UI and is influenced by community libraries, React Router, the Node ecosystem, etc. It is capable of automatically generating pages based on the project’s file system structure. Let’s say that in the root directory there is...
1. Node.js Node.js is the cross-platform, open-source JavaScript library that helps execute different server-side codes. It enables us to use JavaScript for the server-side scripting and often runs server-side scripts to produce dynamic web content. With the passage of time, Node.js has be...
AJS is a javascript library that is smaller that was inspired by MochiKit, but is much more lightweight than most other libraries. AngularJS AngularJS is a structural framework perfect for developing dynamic web apps. Using HTML as your template language, AngularJS lets you extend HTML’s syn...
Most of the other charting libraries are built on the D3. One of them is C3.js – a reusable chart library that makes it easy to generate D3-based charts by wrapping the code required to construct the entire chart. It’s quite a customizable library that provides a variety of APIs and...
Node.js frameworks: solutions to build server-side applications with Node.js: Express, Nest, Fastify... Charting: data visualization and chart libraries: D3, ChartJS, ECharts... And many more! Community-driven If you find an interesting project to add, you can suggest it by creating an ...
Best NodeJS libraries and tools for machine learning To help you understand better, let’s discuss some of the best NodeJS libraries and tools for machine learning. 1. BrainJS: BrainJS is a fast-running JavaScript-written library for neural networking and machine learning. Developers can use ...