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Define best. best synonyms, best pronunciation, best translation, English dictionary definition of best. adj. Superlative of good 1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent: the best performer; the best grade of ore.
Best joke heard today: Najib's wife to Najib (the defeated Prime Minister of Mayasia): I asked you to call an electrician, you called an election. Now, we have no power.
Joke Generator Welcome to the best of the best and the funniest of the funny! Our best jokes are all here.Sort By New The Forgotten Pillow Cases A stingy old man was determined to prove wrong the old saying, “You can’t take it with you when you die.” After much thought, he ...
Joke:Struck up a conversation with a spider today. Seems he's a web designer. VOTE Pooped On Joke:If a bird craps on your head, try to think positively. At least cows don't fly! VOTE The Speed Of Light Joke:Since light travels faster that sound, some people appear bright until you...
If you want to tell a funny or embarrassing story, choose one where you are the butt of the joke.Don’t tell a derogatory story or make jokes at someone else’s expense, especially if it is someone present. Key Takeaways: Use the CAP Rule for a Captivating Introduction ...
The woman responds with a wry grin, "Well of course I don't." "Why is that?" Asks the doctor in surprise. "Well, I'm his aunt, but I'm SURE GLAD I brought him in today!" doctor joke baby milk woman breasts bra hungry check-up checkup waist examining table pinching Dislike ...
根据“Our admiration of the moon dates back to ancient times.”及嫦娥奔月的故事和《静夜思》中的诗句,可知第三段是在解释为什么月亮对中国人来说是特殊的。故选B。 (4)题详解: 细节理解题。根据“Also, if someone is very excited or even crazy about something, others may joke, ‘It must be a...
✖️You want a comfortable touchpad experience:This touchpad is so small is might as well not exist (that's a joke, Dell). No but seriously, it's hard to use. I haven't been able to champion a budget gaming laptop in quite sometime. At the risk of sounding like an old man, ...
It's probably the closest ongoing equivalent to a joke-generation, easy-to-watch NBC comedy in the vein of The Office and 30 Rock on TV. With around 20 episodes per season, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is ideal for bingeing. One of the best Netflix shows – from a third-party standpoint – ...