Joke of the Day Laugh Out Loud Michael Quach Designed for iPad 3.3 • 3 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Best Jokes at your fingertips! This cool app will crack you up with the most hilarious jokes!
I have a joke about chemistry but I don’t think it’ll get a reaction What happened when the world’s tongue-twister champion got arrested? They gave him a tough sentence To the guy who invented zero – thanks for nothing Geology rocks but geography is where it’s at Why is the ocea...
Joke of the Day Laugh Out Loud Michael Quach Designed for iPad 4.9 • 8 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Best Jokes at your fingertips! This cool app will crack you up with the most hilarious jokes!
The whole family can raise their gobble-lets to these funny Thanksgiving jokes and one-liners for kids and adults. With these jokes, you'll be on a casse-role.
Additionally, the reduction of stress hormones may result in higher immune systemperformance. Just think: Laughing along as a co-worker tells a funny joke can relieve some of the day'sstress and help you get other health benefits too.3. Works your abs(腹肌)One of the benefits of laughter ...
1.Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent:the best performer; the best grade of ore. 2.Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable:the best solution; the best time for planting. 3.Greatest; most:He spoke for the best part of an hour. ...
5. Wait for 10 seconds. Joke is ready! You can also set transparent notification icon mode, thanks to which your victim will not notice that a crawling snail with a shell will appear on the screen of a phone in a moment. Main features of application: ...
a personalized apron with his name or a funny cooking-related quote could be a great option. A vintage-inspired apron with a classic car or motorcycle design could also be a unique and stylish choice. Lastly, a humorous apron with a funny dad joke or pun could be a great way to make ...
When he entered my class, I thought the worst. Tyler sat in the back row. Every time I talked to the class, I would ask students questions, calling them by name. Unfortunately, every time I called on Tyler, he would respond with a joke. If he got an answer wrong, he would become...