Best Jobs 2024 U.S. News evaluated 190 of the most in-demand careers to help you find the job that's right for you. #1 Nurse Practitioner #2 Financial Manager #3 Software DeveloperSee Full Rankings List More Rankings Best Paying Jobs Best Business Jobs Best Jobs Without a College Degree ...
1 in 100 best jobs nurse practitioners perform a lot of the same duties as physicians; they perform physical exams, order lab tests and analyze results, prescribe medicines and authorize treatments. these professionals usually have a specialty, such as adult and geriatric health, pediatric health ...
Pediatrician---儿科医生 Obstetrician and Gynecologist---妇产科医师 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon---口腔颌面外科医生 Physician---内科医生 Prosthodontist---镶牙医师 Occupational Therapist---职业治疗师 Anesthesiologist---麻醉师 Surgeon---外科医生 Nurse midwife---助产护士 Mathematician---数学家 Cartographer-...
在职业,抱负,健康,家庭和休闲活动之间取得平衡,可以改善工作绩效和生活质量。 根据访谈和文献评估,U.S.News编辑为每个职业分配定性的工作与生活平衡评级。与压力水平相似,工作与生活的平衡可能会因个人和具体工作环境的不同而存在显著差异。U.S. News定性的工作与生活平衡评分被转换成10分制的分数。 评分为“高”即...
US News provides the latest news involving your state. Explore issues including health care, education, economy, crime and corrections, and infrastructure.
U.S. News周二发布的最新排名,2022年的两个最佳职业分别是信息安全分析师和执业护士,对这两个行业人才的需求突显出网络攻击威胁日益增加以及新冠疫情的持续肆虐。 事实上,在2022年前100个最佳职业的榜单上,与医疗健保相关的岗位占据了40%,这也反映出美国人口老龄化的趋势。榜单排名第三的职业是医生助理,而医疗卫生...
, With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War, several hundred members formed what became known as theMormon Battalion, which marched from Kansas to San Diego from 1846 to 1847, forging a wagon route across the deep Southwest. , They moved to Mexico until the war’s end, returning in 18...
《美国新闻与世界报道》1月12日公布了2021年美国最佳工作排行榜。医疗保健比以往任何时候都更加重要,因此该行业的工作占据了榜单的主导地位,100个最佳工作岗位中有42个与医疗保健或医疗保健支持工作相关。 Health care jobs also rank high among the best jobs that pay more than $100,000 a year. ...
The Best Jobs of 2015 - US NewsHealth care and information technology continue to be the industries to watch.Jada A. Graves 1. Top 13 Best Job Search Engines Here comes your new career. Your newlife. This list of the lucky 13 best job sites has everything you need for a quick and painless pathway to employment. Ajob search siteis a type of employment website that serves job ads posted by empl...