This coming-of-age dramedy, set in the summer of 1987, follows a college graduate who takes a job at a rundown amusement park. The film offers an authentic glimpse into the era's fashion, music, and pop culture while capturing the poignant emotions of young adulthood, with...
Also ranks #16 on The Strongest Heist Movie Crews Who Could Pull Off Any Job 40 Belly Nas, DMX, Taral Hicks 17 votes Ever since they were kids, Sincere (Nas) and Buns (DMX) have lived life close to the edge, doing whatever it takes to survive. As adults, they build up their ki...
So, credit where credit is due — a man named Lynn Stalmaster was the casting director on Richard Donner's 1978 film, and the dude did his job and then some. Every actor in every role of this movie feels forever iconic. And that feeling infects every corner. Long before comic book ...
She does a phenomenal job of channeling a young woman breaking under the pressure of financial instability, and also one who grows more daring and outspoken the deeper she gets. — O.W. How to watch: Emily the Criminal is now streaming on Netflix. 13. The Woman in the Window Credit: ...
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But we at Vulture have no horse in the streaming race: Our job is to help you figure out what to watch by recommending the best movies each of these services has to offer at any given time. To that end, we have gone over the must-see titles on each platform and winnowed them down...
The future is uncertain and difficult to predict— especially when it comes to the job market. However, experts like Robert Half1and the Bureau of Labor Statistics2predict that the future job market for internal auditors is promising. But if becoming a Certified Internal Auditor is in your futu...
26 Great Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs More Related articles In partnership with,presents the b. newsletter: Building Better Businesses Insights on business strategy and culture, right to your inbox. Part of the network. Email InputSubscribe...
“The Age of Shadows” star Gong Yoo plays Seok-woo, a workaholic who’s distracted by his job in finance and estranged from his kid daughter and wife, who lives in Busan. For her birthday, Seok-Woo agrees to take her to her mother in Busan via train from Seoul to Busan. But a me...
(James Badge Dale). As a DARPA scientist, it’s Clyne’s job to investigate when U.S. soldiers in Moldova encounter ghost-like apparitions that can not be killed, harmed, or easily seen. After meeting up with General Orland (Bruce Greenwood) and his men, as well as CIA officer Fran ...