In the Realm of the Senses is a 1976 French-Japanese art film directed by Nagisa Oshima. It is a fictionalised and sexually explicit treatment of an incident from 1930s Japan, that of Sada Abe. It generated great controversy during its release; while intended for mainstream wide release, it...
‘Fishbowl Wives’ is a Japanese-language romance-drama series based on the eponymous manga by Kurosawa R. The plot revolves around six different women residing in a high-end apartment tower and trapped in various types of unhappy marriages. The series depicts their desire for love and how they...
Let’s begin with a roundup of the best movies by Japanese directors, with dialogue in Japanese. I’ve included a selection from all film genres including Japanese dramas, comedies, action flicks, monster and horror movies. Many of these are award-winning movies, and others are box office hi...
On this list of the greatest Japanese movies of all time, you’ll find them all, alongside, of course, Kurosawa’s epics, Miyazaki’s soulful animations and Ozu’s powerful domestic dramas – oh, and Godzilla too. You’ll trace Japan’s unique filmmaking history, moving from the silent ...
While watching each member navigating their careers, life with their housemates and romantic pursuits is entertaining on its own, what really makes the show is the commentary provided by the panel of Japanese comedians and TV personalities who make sidesplitting remarks about the characters’ interacti...
Best comedy movies on Netflix Hustle (Image credit: Netflix) Age rating:15 Runtime:118 minutes Main cast:Adam Sandler, Juancho Hernangomez, Queen Latifah, and Robert Duvall Director:Jeremiah Zagar RT score:93% Recommended by Tom Power
Another hugely popular comedy romance manga (and anime) isKaguya-sama: Love is War(known in Japanese asKaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Ren’ai Zunōsen).This is a comedy romance mangathat leans more on the comedy, with the romance being more of an objective than a daily occurr...
Dramas Thriller Comedy Action Science fiction Documentaries Horror Family movies Romance With the best Netflix movies, you may never have to leave the house. They'll provide hundreds of hours of entertainment, whether you're in the mood for action, comedy, thrills, romance, or edu...
Allen-Miller is clearly a devoted student of the romantic comedy, but her South London-set entry into the genre takes all the tropes and tricks and twists them into something truly fresh and new.Meet-cute? Got it, but this one takes place in a bathroom. Broken hearts on the mend? Got...
Also ranks #2 on The Best Romantic Dramas Movies On Netflix Also ranks #3 on The Best Teen Romance Movies On Netflix Also ranks #8 on The Best Bad Boy Romance Movies 5 Cruel Intentions Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon 777 votes In Cruel Intentions, Annette becomes ...