Often heralded as the seminal work of Japanese animation, Akira remains an icon of the animated science fiction genre for its dystopian post-apocalyptic tale of unrivaled power and the struggle for control over it. The highly detailed and fluid animation sequences, coupled with the uniquel...
Now, he's the Japanese Featherweight Boxing Champion. While he's managed to defeat a lot of strong opponents, his next competition might be the most challenging yet. 374 votes Is this MAPPA's best anime? 14 Inuyashiki Photo: Inuyashiki MAPPA At 58 years old, Ichiro Inuyashiki's life is...
Also ranks #9 on The 15 Best Anime Films That Aren’t Studio Ghibli Also ranks #9 on The 25+ Best PG Anime Movies For Kids And Families Also ranks #11 on The 15 Best Anime With The Fake Dating Trope 21 Ghost in the Shell 2,358 votes In this Japanese animation, cyborg f...
Over 900 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Japanese Action Movies of All Time. Current Top 3: Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends, The Sword of Doom, ...
Isao Takahata – Director, Co-Founder Studio Ghibli Isao Takahata I am delighted to hear that this Japanese Animation Film Festival will be held at Cardiff, a city with a tradition of hosting film festivals. When I was informed that the title of the Festival was to be KOTATSU, I immediately...
Hybrid Child (Studio Deen, 2014) is a Japanese sci-fi drama yaoi anime OVA based on the manga by Shungiku Nakamura. The Hybrid Child is an amazing doll that can grow if it is lavished with enough love and care from its owner. 37 07-Ghost 2009 1,929 votes After a perilous prison es...
Plot: A group of Japanese high school students must survive in the wake of a zombie apocalypse, using their wits, skills, and a fair amount of improvised weapons to fend off the undead and societal collapse. Fan Service Elements: The dire straits of a zombie apocalypse are interspersed with...
The plot follows this boy and his sister as they do their best to survive in the Japanese countryside, battling hunger, prejudice, and pride in their own quiet, personal battle. Genre: Animation. Country: Japan. Runtime: 1h 29m. Rated: NR. Movie links: TrailerIMDbTMDb Watch movie: #7...
Flipnote Studio also supports taking pictures directly, and you can put it in your animation as a frame (but only available for the Japanese version). The maximum frames of one flip-book animation would be 999. With the DSi microphone, you can record up to a 2-second long sound for ...
Japanese Title: 君たちはどう生きるか | Director: Hayao Miyazaki | Starring: Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, Aimyon, Yoshino Kimura | Genre(s): Animated, Drama Famed Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki announced his retirement in 2013. However, to the delight of Ghibli aficionados, he decided...