New Jack City, a gripping and influential crime thriller, features a standout performance by Wesley Snipes as Nino Brown, a ruthless drug lord striving to dominate New York City's criminal underworld. Directed by Mario Van Peebles, the film delves into the devastation caused by the crack c...
What are the best Jack White songs? This list includes some of the best, most popular songs by the former White Stripes frontman. White is an extremely ...
In her review, Mashable's Belen Edwards wrote, "Boasting some inventive twists and a heartfelt lead performance from Brown, Damsel may not be groundbreaking fantasy, but it is a thrilling ride." — K.P. How to watch: Damsel is now streaming on Netflix. SEE ALSO: Netflix's 'Damsel' ...
Not only is the film Tár praised for Blanchett's measured yet riveting performance, but it's also gotten a lot of praise for how it chooses to tell its story. It doesn't seem interested in answering all of your questions, but it's exploration of a success story that's unraveling doesn...
“Orson Welles says every performance looks better in black and white,” Bogdanovich told the Salt Lake Tribune.“It’s the fact that you don’t see blue eyes and blond hair. You focus on the performance, not the look of the people. And it enables you to capture the period better.” ...
While Cruise gives a haunting performance as a stoic killer, Collateral is where Foxx truly shines as an average working-class guy pushed to his limit over the course of one unbelievably tense, shitty night. — O.W. How to watch: Collateral is streaming on Netflix. Related Stories 30 ...
At the intersection of punk, glam, and kitsch you'll findThe Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jim Sharman's screen adaptation of the stage show that gave us Tim Curry's none-more-iconic performance as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, the sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania. A cult hit that bec...
Jack Harlow’s lyrical candor is only a surprise to naysayers and non-believers, but the proof has been in the proverbial pudding since he unleashed LPs likeConfettiin 2019. With over four years of growth since that time,Jackman., an album he named after himself, released in April, is a...
If there’s one film here that deserves wider exposure, it’s this. In his most honest and heartfelt performance, the late Bill Paxton plays Dale Dixon, a small-town sheriff who dreams of escaping to the city. When word comes that a gang of notorious killers are headed his way, Dale ...
Even when her character is slurping a blood popsicle or dumping a body in a vat of acid, Swinton’s performance is so human that you can feel every twinge of desire, and so natural that you almost don’t see it happening; if not for the fangs and Eve’s frazzled shock of white ...