Hidden Ability and Strongest Attack:Treecko's Unburden is a fairly strong hidden ability. If Treecko's held item is stolen or used, its speed goes up. This ability can prove to be extremely useful in clutch moments where the player might need to strike first. Treecko's strongest attack is ...
Hawkeye Image by Marvel Studios Hawkeye seems like he would be a mix of Captain America and Black Widow in preference. He’s a freelance man for hire, so it wouldn’t be so surprising to see Pokemon on his team that would actually be useful for his work. The first thing to come to ...
19. Turtwig/Grotle/Torterra Turtwig is undoubtedly one of the most underrated starters in existence, presumably due to its speed, the lowest of any starter. That, paired with its critical ice weakness courtesy of its unique grass/ground typing, and many are too quick to write this tortoise of...
Dialga EX and Darkrai EX are the best bet for meta-staple cards, as both have abilities that work as an engine for other cards. Lucario from this pack also looks like a great addition to Fighting-type decks. Furthermore, Pokémon Communication looks to be a standout item from the set...