The best-paying savings accounts are usually regular savers, which are where you pay into them regularly, usually monthly, with rates currently as high as 8%. Here are the top paying ones, and whether you need to be an existing customer with the bank or not to get them. In this article...
Easy access ISA from Trading 212 paying 5.03% Find out more Natwest or RBS Reward credit card Up to 1% back If you have a Natwest or RBS Reward current account then this card is fee-free (otherwise best avoided), You’ll earn 1% back at the supermarket and 0.25% back elsewhere. ...
Gn, Gp: The electron and hole generation rates. Rn, Rp: The electron and hole recombination rates. The proposed solar cell layer structures are illustrated in Table 1. The surface planar morphology is studied with an AM 1.5 G1 illumination spectrum. The light path length in the light ...