In general, high-interest savings accounts are safe. When putting your funds into any bank account or credit union, there is always the risk of that financial institution failing. However, the government ensures that your money is insured up to $250,000 per depositor. Whether it's the Federa...
account is credited to your account on a quarterly or half-yearly basis, depending upon the type of savings account and the bank’s policies. However, in the interest of customers, the RBI has recommended that banks credit the interest amount to customers’ Savings Accounts on a quarterly ...
Another thing to keep in mind is that while most banks automatically increase your rate as interest rates increase, some don’t.We wrote data points on which do and which don’t here. Keep that in mind when choosing a bank. Most of these are savings accounts, with a few checking account...
8 best high-interest savings accounts in Canada in 2025 Best overall high-interest savings account:PC Money Account Best for high on-going interest rate:EQ Bank Notice Savings Account Best for no fees:Simplii High Interest Savings Account
A 5% APY is a top interest rate offered on the market right now; these accounts lead the way.
Best for a great bonus offer: Motive Savvy Savings Account. Best for a bonus offer with cash back: Tangerine Tax-Free Savings Account. Best for a regular interest rate with cash back:KOHO Spending and Savings Account. The best high-interest savings accounts in Canada ...
The best Canadian high interest savings accounts for 2025 combine a mix of high interest rates, with no-fee banking, and elite user-friendly platforms. One thing to note right off the top: If your savings goal is more than 6 months in the future, you should likely be checking out ourBe...
What Is a High-Yield Savings Account? Best High-Yield Savings Account Interest Rates How Do I Choose the Best High-Interest Savings Accounts? How Do You Open a High Interest Savings Account? Benefits and Drawbacks of Savings Accounts With High Interest Rates Alternatives to High-Interest Savings...
The best Canadian high interest savings accounts for 2025 combine a mix of high interest rates, with no-fee banking, and elite user-friendly platforms. One thing to note right off the top: If your savings goal is more than 6 months in the future, you should likely be checking out ourBe...
Kids or youth savings accounts are bank or credit union deposit accounts that are available only to customers younger than 21—though they're sometimes capped at age 12 or 18. They provide a way for young savers to deposit funds and earn some interest, but also serve as a way for kids ...