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A High-Deductible Health Plan, also known as catastrophic health care, places more responsibility on the patient to pay health care costs. The plan would kick-in only if you need hospitalization or other expensive treatments. In insurance lingo, a deductible is an amount the patient pays before...
Dependent parents, who are in their older ages, need a health insurance plan. They, being old, face a lot of health-related issues and need frequent medical attention. If there are no existing health ailments, your parents are exposed to high health risks due to their advanced age. Since ...
Health insurance in India commonly called Mediclaim, refers to a health policy which pays for hospitalization expenses if you are hospitalized for a minimum of 24 hours. However, a regular health insurance plan covers a lot more than basic hospitalization, like day care treatments costs for which...
Buy health insurance plan with PolicyX as we explore the benefits and importance, key features, inclusions as well as exclusions of a medical insurance plans.
Top 5 Best Health Insurance Plans in India in 2018 One of the best way to avoid high medical expenses, is taking Best Health Insurance Plan in India. With modern life style and unhealthy eating habits, life has become uncertain. A healthy person today can get hospitalized tomorrow. High medi...
Find out if you have the best health insurance planDeepti Bhaskaran
Paying forhealth insurance, after never having done so, is one of the biggest downsides to self-employment. If you’re not prepared for the costs of buying your own insurance plan, it can be a huge pain. While not nearly as common as the ACA Marketplace or COBRA insurance, healthcare-...
Step 2: Figure Out Where to Shop for Health Insurance The first step in shopping for a health plan is figuring out where you need to shop and when. The marketplace you use determines your health insurance options: types of plan, levels of coverage, and costs. ...
High Deductible Health Plan AHigh-Deductible Health Planis similar to a catastrophic plan in that it enables you to pay less for your health insurance. You have higher out-of-pocket costs when compared to other plans, but it can fall under the category of an HMO, PPO, EPO, or POS plan...