Based on true events, this powerful drama tells the story of a predominantly Black town in Florida that was nearly destroyed by racial violence in 1923. As tensions escalate, a heroic World War I veteran steps up to protect the innocent, leading to a violent and suspenseful confrontation at ...
Rosewood, Florida, is a small, peaceful town with an almost entirely African-American population of middle-class homeowners, until New Year's Day 1923, when a lynch mob from a neighboring white community storms the town. Among the carnage, music teacher Sylvester (Don Cheadle) and mysterious ...
Our personal injury lawyers handle injury cases throughout South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Call 1-800-94-TRIAL for a free consultation.
the film showcases one of the worst cases of child abuse in the United States, the child abuse in Country Walk daycare in Miami, Florida, in 1984. It was run by Frank and
Florida – With its warm weather and many waterways, Florida is a great place to paddle board all year round. Paddle boarding is a great way to enjoy the water and get some exercise. There are many different types of paddle boards to choose from, so you can find one that suits your ne...
Ross Brandborg is an attorney at law with more than 13 years of experience. He has been licensed to practice law in Minnesota and North Dakota. Ross is also a member of the North Dakota Patent Bar. He has a Juris Doctor degree in law, which he obtained after his graduation from the ...
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"He was really a huge help in such a stressful moment. I appreciate his transparency, simplistic thought process and guidance. Will defini..." Get ProposalView Profile Joel Douglas 38 reviews U.S. Patent Agent & Serial Entrepreneur Professional Engineer in Connecticut, Florida, Texas Named Invent...
Looking for the best real estate attorney in Miami, FL? Contact our experienced Miami real estate lawyers. Our professional law firm in Miami has over 20 years of collective legal experience, specializing in real estate, development, banking, litigation,
The plunging polar vortex is bringing subfreezing temperatures to some of the southernmost points of the U.S. A forming storm system is threatening to dump snow on parts of Texas and Oklahoma, while communities in Louisiana and Florida may see frigid cold ...