339 votes Agree or Disagree? In the adventurous roller-coaster ride, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, we follow Dr. Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), a renowned archaeologist and obtainer of rare antiquities. Set in 1936, Jones is thrust into a perilous mission to outwit hi...
In the historical drama The Last Samurai, Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise), a traumatized Civil War veteran, is hired to train Japan's first modern, Western-style army. After being captured by samurai warriors led by Katsumoto (Ken Watanabe), Algren gradually embraces their code of honor and way...
Upon crossing this bridge, visitors are welcomed by a relaxation area with a drink bar, a panoramic swing, and a glass-floored viewpoint, offering spectacular views of the Cuale Sierra, the Cuale River, and the sea. Canopy El Jorullo aims to diversify the range of experiences in this susta...
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In Mexico City #339 of 913 hotels in Mexico City "Very friendly people, concierge service second to none, super clean, perfect atmosphere. Restaurant in property make the experience even better. Every person treated you as family, the rooms capture the perfection..." "I am a frequent bus...
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Male, the capital city of Maldives, is undoubted, the hub of trade and bureaucracy. Covering an area of 5.8 sq. km, this paradise for art and history lovers is set in a picturesque surrounding amidst the emerald waters. Its pristine white sandy beaches bathed in sunny azure has made it ...
The series follows superstar and music teacher Sunny Bridges, who teaches a group of students at Atlanta, Georgia's Westley School of Performing Arts. Bridges is a jazz and blues artist who occasionally lectures in Atlanta's Little Five Points residential area. Class of 3000 was produced ...