WeChat: Liping-Shi 一站式法律服务我们讲您的语言, 使您的移民之旅更加顺畅 "无论您是谁,我们坚信您都应在美国得到优质法律服务和公正待遇" 施李平律师楼座落在纽约,这座拥有来自世界各地约310万合法移民和超过560,000的无证移民的都市。 我们已经为众多个人
Approval Notice Click on the image to review the notice 如果被申请人在美国境外,适用NVC国家签证中心处理第二步。 对于NVC
•Attorney Hardam Tripathi from Trip Law, P.A. practices USA Immigration & Nationality Law in all 50 states and territories in the Union and at Embassies and USA Consulates abroad. •Juris Doctorate (Western Michigan University). •Masters in Policy (University of Florida). •Bachelors in...
F4 India, is the best immigration consultants in US , Canada and India offering Permanent Residence, green card family, study, business, and investor visas.
Often, a person’s case is lost due to a defective Immigration filing, the law that changed while the case was pending or change in a person’s circumstances while the case was being considered by the government. An experienced and skilled US Immigration attorney can help to address the Immi...
How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Immigration Lawyer In The U.S.? The cost of an immigration attorney can vary depending on the specific application. Some attorneys charge a flat fee, while others charge an hourly fee. The typical rate that you can expect to pay is around $150 to $300...
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Oleg Otten is a corporate attorney who has been licensed to practice law in Florida for the past five years. He is also a member of the Florida Bar. Oleg specializes in immigration law, and has exceptional experience in dealing with commercial contracts, as well as with matters related to ...
Are you looking for an experienced Phoenix Immigration Attorney in Arizona? Our Lawyers can help! Call now to speak with AZ's Nicest Immigration Law Firm.
Best Immigration Attorney Founder and managing partner, Alma Chacon, Esq., is dual licensed in Venezuela and in the United States. She graduated as a Lawyer from the Central University of Venezuela, with the highest honor Summa Cum Laude, Alma, also counts with a PhD in Law, from the same...