US Blue Post: Cata - Magmaw Bugged US Blue Post: Cataclysm Classic Raid Dungeons Now Live! US Blue Post: Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable Warcraft Tavern › WotLK Classic › WotLK Classic Guides › Class Guides › Mage Guides › PvP Frost Mage Best Races Lok-tar ogar! Someone...
You could just pop your VW Sac shield and there was nothing the hunter could do. You could fear him, HOwl the pet, load him up with DoTs, and that was the fight. He might not even break the shield before he died. Still warlocks weren't completely awful, a smart warlock...
My main is an Alliance hunter, a draenei, pictured here on lonely overwatch at Warden's Vigil in Tol Barad, Cataclysm Classic's new PVP zone. Between PVP matches, players can come to Tol Barad to do lucrative PVE quests.Credit: Blizzard Stand in fire, DPS higher.We added WoW Classic t...
Hunter Beast Mastery Season 1 4pc— Your pet's attacks have a 10% chance to increase all pet damage you deal by 10% for 10 sec.This will basically have ~100% uptime, so this translates to about 10% pet damage, which is quite strong. ...
[Equipment Vendors] [Scripted 1v1/2v2/3v3 Arena from TBC and newly created] [FFA PvP Play Area] [Maze Extravaganza] [Cross-Faction Battlegrounds] [Restricted Guild Real Estate] [Bounty-Hunter Missions] [Gambling] [5-Man Raids] [Scaled Alterac Valley] [Character Customization] [Teleporters].....
Honestly, at one point back in Cata, I did more damage than all the raid combined. Since then, they have been nerfed quite a bit but still are viable in both PvE and PvP. Walking death, as I like to think of them. Monk Monks are agile fighters who can serve as tanks, healers, ...