The wolf has been the unquestioned pet-of-choice throughout the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The primary reason for this being the Furious Howl buff they provide. No other pet special contributes as much overall hunter/pet DPS as that of the wolf’s Furious Howl. Another attractive fea...
Due to their high damage modifier of 1.10, Ravagers are considered theBestin Slot WoW Classic TBC hunter pets. They can learn bothGoreandBite, which are the best damage-dealing abilities. With a talentGo for the Throat,you can spamGoreand get maximum DPS output. ConsideringGorehas a chance...
Leveling WoW Classic Leveling Guide Horde Leveling Guide Alliance Leveling Guide Guide to Rested XP 1– 60 Grinding Guide Speedrunning Overview Druid Leveling Guide Hunter Leveling Guide Mage Leveling Guide Paladin Leveling Guide Priest Leveling Guide Rogue Leveling Guide Shaman Leveling Guide Warlock Le...
With the launch of WoW Classic Fresh, not only beginners but also experienced players should remember about useful addons, as no World of Warcraft game can do without them. In this guide we will talk about the best addons for World of Warcraft Classic and WoW Classic 20th Anniversary. WoW...
Best BM Hunter PvP Pets Because a good portion of a Beast Master’s damage comes by way of the pet, I find it advisable to use a Ferocity pet. It’s not to say there aren’t other good options for different types of PvP situations, but generally speaking, I feel a Ferocity pet sho...
Welcome to our World of Warcraft Classic Demonology Warlock Build, this talent guide can make leveling from 1-60 really easy mostly due to the help from the Pet Tanking Mobs. Below we detail what the Best Race to choose and Gear Stats for the Demonology Talent Spec in Classic WoW in patch...
Mages are the fastest levels inClassicand will be useful for guilds that want to help level Warriors and Rogues that aren’t as strong at leveling. Image via Blizzard Entertainment The first person to reach level 60 inWoW Classicin 2019 played a Mage, and with a combination of AoE, crowd...
Grind spot list. Before I start, you need to realize this is not a complete 1-60 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you find some good grinding spots, if you need a leveling guide, the best one isJoana's Classic WoW leveling guides.. ...
”Hunter” as described in the Original World of Warcraft 2004 Manual Hunters are the best leveling class in the game and are also an incredible solo class in general. Their pet and unmatched kiting capabilities allow them to take on foes that few others would dare face alone. ...
Earning gold is an incredibly important part of Classic WoW and will be very important for many things. There are large purchases that you will want to make, such as getting your epic mount or getting better gear from the auction house. You will also have lots of reoccurring purchases, ...