Despite Gin's warning that he will disappear forever if touched by a human, their friendship blossoms over the years as Hotaru returns each summer to spend time with him. The two navigate the complexities of their forbidden bond, discovering the depths of their feelings for each other while kn...
The American movies featuring the classic kaiju go for huge monster-versus-monster face-offs, bogged down by tedious human characters. But writer/director Takashi Yamazaki reclaims the Japanese icon with a movie that gets the balance between rampaging monster action and human drama just right. ...
For her work in this suspense thriller, Joan Fontaine won the only Oscar ever awarded for an acting performance in a Hitchcock film. Her elegant performance was likely informed by her privileged, curious life. Fontaine not only lived in Japan for a time, but was also a licensed pilot, a C...
Tim Ferriss is an American author, entrepreneur, self-proclaimed 'human guinea pig', and public speaker.Tim's posts are often one of three things; Serious, Humorous and inspiring. Email *** Facebook Followers 977.1KTwitter Followers 1.9MInstagram Followers 1.7M Frequency 2 ...
Seasons one through four include one of the best TV romances ever between the immortal Doctor (a Byronic alien Time Lord) and Rose, a young human who brings out the best in him – a bit Jane Eyre/Beauty and the Beast-like if you ask me. Together they travel through time (including to...
Directed by Rémi Chayé, Long Way North is both an epic adventure and a human drama, exploring themes of empowerment and empathy. What truly makes this 80-minute movie special, though, is its unique artistic style. The snow-covered landscape might be stark, but Long Way North makes the ...
This time I tried to sleep in smaller towns outside the bigger towns on the trail. This way I had more time for myself. Sure there were days I joined the groups in the bigger cities, as human contact is also part of the journey.“ ...
Bob Marley has a reputation of being one of the most grateful humans who ever lived. He went through a lot of things, especially as an activist who supported freedom and equality. This song is no different from many of his other songs, where he celebrates life, thanking Jah (the Rastafari...
On May 25, 1986, approximately 6.5 million people held hands for 15 minutes around the country and created the greatest expression of human love and compassion that the world has ever seen. Or at least that was the idea whenKen Kragenattempted to organize Hands Across America. In reality, ...
You generally have to wait more than a decade for a new James Cameron movie to come along, but luckily everything that the director makes is worth talking about. So, while the plot of his 2009 record-breaker is a tad forgettable – a human soldier falls in love with a giant blue alien...