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it was a better fit for him based on a phone interview) and he scored a composite of 31 (30.5). After three hours of tutoring and some practice sessions he raised his composite score to 34 (34.25). He went from 28 to 36 on his Science which was his primary focus in practice. ...
Read More... OurTest Prep Coursesare backed with a score improvementguaranteed! 1 on 1 & Small group classes held year-round. Come back as many times as you like. SAT/PSAT TAKS ISEE ACT STAAR HSPT AP GRE MCAT LSAT GMAT PCAT
It is also good practice for the upcoming SAT Exam. SAT Typically known as the Scholastic Assessment Test, this is the test that is used for college entrance assessments across the country. Millions of students take this exam as they transition from high school to college. ACT Also known as...
Included in Kaplan Catholic High School Entrance Exams are six full-length practice tests—two for each exam commonly administered—the Cooperative Entrance Examination (COOP), the High School Placement Test (HSPT), and Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS). Also included are ...
Acquire some excellent memorizing and study techniques for science. History Learn effective note taking skills and retention techniques. Writing Improve your writing skills with our foundation practice books and more. Read More... SAT/PSAT TAKS ISEE ACT STAAR HSPT AP GRE MCAT LSAT GMAT PCAT...
Peterson's Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exams is the comprehensive test-prep book for scoring high on Catholic high school entrance exams. The book includes six full-length practice tests (two each for the HSPT, COOP, and TACHS) with detailed answer explana...